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Known Issues Under Investigation

The MSFS2024 A300-600R Compatible Edition, is being initially released in a Beta state.  While the product is functional we've identified a few areas that require further refinement before we identify it as fully compatible:

  • Terrain Display
  • Loss of overhead Korry switch and ambient packs/bleed sounds when switching views
  • Random TCAS RA errors from own plane
  • Networking issue highlighted in greater detail below

We appreciate your understanding and ask that if you do experience any issues/find any solutions, please do let us know on the iniBuilds Forum here, so that we may resolve these issues ASAP.


Freezing on End Flight / Return to Menu

We have discovered a current core sim issue relating to networking that prevents users  from fully closing the simulator after completion of a flight. 

While this does not affect anything related to loading or using the aircraft either offline or with Multiplayer/Online networks, you will not be able to return to the menu UI without closing the simulator process via the task manager.

Rest assured that we are investigating the issue and communicating with Asobo regularly to identify and implement a fix which will be pushed in a follow on update as soon as feasible.


EFB Enroute Map Flicker

Currently, there is a known core bug with the way js maps are read by the sim. The mapping client we and many other developers use (leaflet) is not currently compatible with the sim SDK.

While we and Asobo work towards a solution, it's best to either avoid using the Enroute Map or understand it will flicker at times. (We have found the flickering does begin to subside after a few minutes over the duration of a flight)



New 'MSFS2024 Premium Edition' liveries are not compatible with the MSFS 2020/2024 Compatible version due to the new file structure. You may use any 'MSFS 2020' A300 liveries with the MSFS 2020/2024 Compatible edition downloaded via the iniManager.


Core Sim Known Issues & Considerations

While the title is jam-packed with countless new and improved features, we also want to keep you informed about some current issues that may affect your experience as a whole. The below is a non-exhaustive list of things to look out for while the platform grows and evolves to full maturity:



Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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