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I just bought your mod yesterday and I'm having an issue with my rudder pedal brakes. When I release the parking brake, the brakes stay applied even though I disengaged the key binding I set for parking brakes. When I apply and release the brakes with the rudder pedals, I can see the brakes release for a second and then reapply. Is there another binding that I'm overlooking that would cause the brakes to stay applied? Oh, I don't have this issue with other aircraft in my hanger.  Thanks for any guidance you might have for this.



Hi @Gewstav

What keybind are you using for the Parking Brakes? I have mine set to 'TOGGLE PARKING BRAKES' and am not noticing this issue. 
Also able to set the parking brake on/off using the button on the pedestal.



Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com


Thanks for the help, I made the changes you mentioned and was able to toggle the parking brakes. For some reason the button on the panel doesn't work for me.

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