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A300 quite "slippery" on final


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during the last few flights on the A300 I found it to be quite "slippery" on final approach, i.e. very hard so slow down.

Before ILS intercept in level flight I would slow down to green dot speed, flaps 1, before GS intercept flaps 15/15, and then with throttle idle it will descend on a 3° glideslope at 190-200 knots without slowing down. Only way to get to next flap extension speed is more than 1/2 speedbrake or gear down.

I noticed this behaviour since v1.1.2, I cannot recall it from earlier versions. Is that intentional? Am I doing something completely wrong? Am I the only one noticing that?

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I find it generally helps to be prepared well in advance in any airliner, especially if there is a tailwind on the approach as it can really cause you problems if you hit the glide slope a bit fast. The one thing that always catches me out with this aircraft is that as soon as GS becomes active, the speed changes to selected instead of staying on managed. Worse still is that the selected speed that it takes is the speed you were doing when it changes. So many times I’ve wondered why it’s not slowing down and then I realise that it’s set to maintain 180kts


Best advice I can give is to try to be no more than S Speed in 15/15 when you catch the glide slope. It should be happy enough maintaining that until you get the gear down around 7 miles out and then the speed will drop off enough to do the next 2 stages of flaps before you are 1000 above

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