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THR L Keeps Flashing and Throttle Keeps Going Up and Down


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Hello everyone,

I am having an issue with the Inibuilds A310 for msfs. The thr l keeps flashing in green on the pfd. The throttle is acting really strange where it will keep going to full n1 and then down to idle. This is not good and has caused the aircraft to stall (as it loses speed every time it goes to idle). You can see the indication in the screenshot below. As you can see, the aircraft is stalling. I have the autothrotle button selected and it is set to 330 knots. But for some reason, it will not continue accelerating. It will keep decreasing the n1 back to idle and will not get up to speed. Is there some setting I missed when trying to set up the autopilot. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!


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