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When landing I’m consistently having the issue of when I take the autopilot off the autopilot disconnect would constantly plays out after I acknowledge the caution light. I also get a warning on my ECAM saying that autopilot has disconnected does anyone know what I can do to stop the constant disconnect noise after I take the autopilot off


Hi, the best way to disconnect the autopilot, so you don't get the constant beeping, is by using the button on the side stick not the AP button in the panel. Don't ask me why!



This is intentional and correct per Airbus logic. You need to disconnect it from the sidestick, or press the button again to silence the alert.

If you disconnect it from the sidestick with the correct keybind set, or via clicking the red button; you will get one loop CRC and a master warning on the ECAM.

If you disconnect via the FCU - as you did above - you will get a non-stop loop of the CRC until you re-engage, or acknowledge the master warning.


Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com



I have the same problem. However, the sidestick autopilot button is not recognized, even the master warning switch still makes the sound when you press it. However, I found out that the rudder and nose steering don't work properly during landing and take-off

4 hours ago, Rowside said:

the sidestick autopilot button is not recognized, even the master warning switch still makes the sound when you press it.

What do you mean the button is not recognized?
With AP1 on, if you mouse over to the red button and click it, you will hear the alert for 1 second once but no master warning and or AP OFF ECAM warning. 
With AP1 on, if you disconnect via the AP1 FCU button, you will hear the alert continuously and get a Master Warning flashing red, along with AP OFF ECAM warning. Then if you click the red button on the stick, both will be silenced. (see video)


4 hours ago, Rowside said:

the rudder and nose steering don't work properly during landing and take-off

Are you using any AI assists for rudder? Also the tiller axis is disabled above a certain speed (~80 KIAS if I remember correctly), but the rudder should still be effective.


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Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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