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Depuis que je possède l’A300 j’ai un problème avec la gouverne avant , tiller, car au sol j’ai la roue qui tourne complètement à droite et d’un coup à gauche il faut que j’appuie légèrement sur une des pédales de mon rudder thrustmaster pour que l’appareil aille tout droit ! si je lache la pedale les roues avant tourne brutalement . J’ai attendu jusqu’à la MAJ 1.0.3 pour poser la question car malgré mes nombreuses recherches et manip , vider le dossier community, désinstaller l’A300 , régler la sensibilité du rudder , refaire la config de ce dernier ,rien n’y fait 🤷🏽 si quelqu’un à était confronté à ce problème ? Merci d’avance 🙏🏼

Thanks for your advice, I'm going to calibrate the Thrustmaster rudder pedal again, but I don't think it will help much as this problem only occurs on the A300 🤷🏽



    Since I've owned the A300 I've had a problem with the front rudder, tiller, because on the ground I have the wheel turning completely to the right and suddenly to the left I have to press lightly on one of the pedals of my rudder thrustmaster for the aircraft to go straight! if I let go of the pedal the front wheels turn abruptly. I waited until MAJ 1.0.3 to ask the question because despite my numerous searches and manipulations, emptying the community folder, uninstalling the A300, adjusting the sensitivity of the rudder, redoing the configuration of the latter, nothing helped 🤷🏽 if anyone has experienced this problem? Thanks in advance 🙏🏼

22 minutes ago, Nico - Gumby said:

Sorry, I can't give support to this post as I don't speak french. Please use English only on this forum, thanks.


    Since I've owned the A300 I've had a problem with the front rudder, tiller, because on the ground I have the wheel turning completely to the right and suddenly to the left I have to press lightly on one of the pedals of my rudder thrustmaster for the aircraft to go straight! if I let go of the pedal the front wheels turn abruptly. I waited until MAJ 1.0.3 to ask the question because despite my numerous searches and manipulations, emptying the community folder, uninstalling the A300, adjusting the sensitivity of the rudder, redoing the configuration of the latter, nothing helped 🤷🏽 if anyone has experienced this problem? Thanks in advance 🙏🏼


I've just recalibrated my rudder pedals with the Thrusmaster pilots - no improvement! What's more, when I remove the A300 from MFS, everything goes back to normal and the rudder works normally on the simulator's aircraft.

Posted (edited)

After about 25 flights without taxi steering problems, today , after pushback, I could only taxi steer -after pushback stopped- to the right with my TPR pedals. (although rudder pedals and tiller in cocpit turned left) . I pressed pushback STOP again , and a bit random again pushback straight and then pushed for a turn. Then STOP again... et voila... my rudders worked again for taxi steering. My 2 cents.

Edited by Rene Feijen

13900K@5.6GHZ | RTX4090 | 32GB | DDR5 | Honeycomb A B | Virpil Stick Collective | TPR pedals | Saitek Panels | X Touch Mini  | Varjo Aero | Wacom Tablet | 34" Monitor | JBL LX44 speakers | SPAD.next | Navigraph | Skydemon

10 hours ago, Rene Feijen said:

After about 25 flights without taxi steering problems, today , after pushback, I could only taxi steer -after pushback stopped- to the right with my TPR pedals. (although rudder pedals and tiller in cocpit turned left) . I pressed pushback STOP again , and a bit random again pushback straight and then pushed for a turn. Then STOP again... et voila... my rudders worked again for taxi steering. My 2 cents.

Hello René , thank you for your feedback 🙏🏼 this must be an identical problem but one that appears to be different 💁🏻‍♂️ because when I leave my spot I immediately use the pushback to align myself so as to go up the departure runway and as soon as I taxi forward the aircraft turns left on its own, I hardly press on the rudder to make it straight again and it goes right and I am obliged to compensate by pressing slightly to the left again and... maintain constant pressure to go straight ahead.


That is what I meant to say. From the gate I do pushback, and after pushback I wanted to taxi to the left, but it went right. THEN I did pushback again (on the taxiway, so strange /wrong place), as described above, and then I could use my rudder fully finally in both directions.

13900K@5.6GHZ | RTX4090 | 32GB | DDR5 | Honeycomb A B | Virpil Stick Collective | TPR pedals | Saitek Panels | X Touch Mini  | Varjo Aero | Wacom Tablet | 34" Monitor | JBL LX44 speakers | SPAD.next | Navigraph | Skydemon

  • 1 month later...

thank you for asking;) indeed I always have the same problem, I connected by chance an Xbox controller in addition to my Warthog set and I arrive with the controller normally, but as soon as I touch the rudder it's a disaster! I have to return the Xbox controller that I never use since I'm on PC.

  • 4 weeks later...

Good morning,
Despite the numerous updates I still can't drive straight on the track! Moreover, I have just realized that with the configuration that I use for all my planes, only the A320-600 does not work correctly! I have a Thrustsmaster TFRP rudder when I press to the right the plane goes to the right and when I release the pedal it continues to go to the right if I press on the left pedal to catch up it goes to the left, if I let go of the pedal he returns to the right but never in the axis!! my configuration is: left GY and right GX rudder axis, and the left and right brakes by pushing the pedal: GZ axis. This works perfectly on all planes but in the A300 config you have to use the L and R wheel brakes for the front wheel to work correctly in fact everything is reversed this is unmanageable.


Hi, I am using TFRP as well with the A306 and do not notice any such issues.

My configuration options are as follows. Can you double check that your TFRP are also set to FLIGHT mode (towards airplane), instead of DRIVE mode (as shown in the screenshot below)?




Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com


Thank you for taking the time to answer me 😉 I do have the box on the plane with the green light. However, the terms in your configuration are not the same as mine. X and Y axis, instead I have GX and GY and GZ wheel axis. I can't find X and Y in my list. Sorry but it's probably because my game is in French 💁🏻‍♂️ but thank you very much for everything.


Yes the letters might be different. The more important thing is you have the correct axis assigned to the appropriate function (aka don't assign brake axis to the rudder axis)


Unfortunately not able to recreate this issue on our end. I would recommend creating a new blank profile for the rudder pedals, then assign the axis's separately.

Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com


Here are my settings unfortunately everything is reversed! I push on the pedals to turn and I press the pedals to brake



Yea, that is on your end somehow.  I don't speak French but it appears correct.  The Z axis is the rudder on most pedals and the X/Y are the brakes.  So, that looks good from what I can surmise.  Do the lines on that page move normally when you move the pedals?  Also, is Gouverne De Direction rudder or nosewheel steering?  You should set that to rudder and then select the option to use the rudder as the nosewheel on the plane.  Keep in mind that if you press the brakes one at a time you will get differential steering with the nose moving toward the pedal you pressed.  So, pressing the left brake will turn the aircraft to the left and vice versa.  I believe nose wheel steering is something like 

direction du train avant according to google. 

Mark "Crabby" Crabtree AAL311 | PHL
I7-9700KF | 2070 Super | Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo | MFG Crosswind


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