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Posted (edited)

From a C/D state, after turning the battery switches to auto/on and connecting external power to the electrical system, I’ve noticed that the battery flow bars are still visible for quite a long period of time.  I was just curious as to what the reason is for this and if it is correct.  The only reason I could think of as to why they would be visible at this stage is to charge the batteries.  However, on the DC ECAM page and also on the DC Meters, all 3 batteries are showing amperages of 0, so they are not charging.  Also, they all have more than 25v charge.  Yet, the flow bars still remain.  They do eventually turn off after a long time.  Is this extended time period correct behavior?



Edited by ual763

Robert Schumacher


Thank you.  I only asked because when doing the STBY generator test, it says to make sure the battery flow bars are extinguished.  

Robert Schumacher


I tried it in the MSFS now and it's working correctly for me. The flowbars are indicated until all 3 batteries reach 28V, then the flowbars disappear.
When you start the APU, they will come up again.



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I’ll wait for for Agent_Wurst to respond, but the one thing I would add while waiting for his response is to check the battery amperages when the bars are visible.  If the batteries are charging, there should be an amperage indication.  I was using the meter gauges to check and it appeared to be 0.  Admittedly, I didn’t check the ECAM DC page.  I’m away at work now, but will check once I get home.

Robert Schumacher


Picture taken from the real aircraft today. I think it depends a bit on the specific aircraft. It's old, maybe the batteries are from different manufacturing dates etc etc. So sometimes even if it's at 28V, it's getting charged, as you can see in the picture. The documentation is not very precise about the charging of the batteries


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