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EGLL V3 - Just purchased - not loading.


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I've just purchased EGLL v3 via the iniBuilds app, downloaded and installed - settled my Fenix 320 at a gate - scenery showed no markings, gate numbers etc.  Viewed outside and scenery did not look right - looked like the Premium Deluxe version which I originally had.  Closed MSFS - removed EGLL from Content Manager, then re-started.  Looked worse.   Decided to uninstall EGLLv3, delete scenery indexes (from SceneryIndexes folder) - reboot, re-install EGLLv3 and try again.  This is what I've got: ScreenHunter26.thumb.png.ffb41faadcd5ef7f783a582bec56ff3f.png

I'm pretty sure that's not what I should have...  What am I doing wrong?

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