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willenium last won the day on July 16 2023

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  1. I believe I've solved this issue - at least for me it's solved. You need to have Photogrammetry turned ON. Had an issue with another scenery and this was the cause. Flew to NZQN and everything looks as it should! 🙌 Sorry for the nuisance... it wasn't something I tried when troubleshooting. 😞
  2. I'm no scenery designer, but after watching a few SDK tutorials, I've successfully added several 'rectangles' that exclude default buildings. It's removed the generic structure engulfing the terminal and after playing around with rectangle heights, also managed to exclude some generic buildings around the helicopter and Milford Sound hangers. Not ideal, but it's gone all quiet from INI here... This leads me to wonder if in the process of fixing the runway bump, either (a) it's altered the height of the terrain which seems to affect exclusion rectangles; or (b) these exclusions have been deleted. In any case, be great to have access to download v1.0.2 again.
  3. I have WU12 installed, but not WU13.
  4. Hey again. Thanks for the suggestions. I've tried both and still getting the same result with that large building appearing through the terminal (and outer hanger anomolies etc.). Additionally, I've (a) removed all scenery and get the first image; and (b) installed just the default Asobo NZQN and get the second image. No large building in either... so it 'appears' to be related to the INI scenery. Obviously I concede that I'm the only one experiencing the issue, so clearly something at my end. Is there any chance I can rollback to and download v1.0.2 as I didn't get this before the update. It would also help me troubleshoot further. And I'd happily live with a bump in the runway over this 😉 Cheers, Will.
  5. Hello. I updated NZQN to version 1.0.3 today and the terminal (and some surrounding buildings) are overlayed with generic buildings (see image). It's as though the an exclude file is missing. I should note that the default NZQN has been removed, the INI scenery has been tested as the only product in the community folder and my rolling cache has been cleared. Any ideas? Thanks 🙂
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