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Everything posted by FlyingFox

  1. Yes, yesterday I chose exactly that one and it did not work, it showed the same behaviour as with the COM1 SWAP variable above it. Now, after restarting MSFS, it suddenly does work! MSFS and its secrets... case closed. Is this already part of the FAQ? It may be worth adding it, if not.
  2. Hi! I just tried it, but it did not work for me. I shall try again...
  3. You can now find many of the LVARs on the website of MobiFlight: https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/ In the menu on the left side filter for iniBuilds, A310 and "Input".
  4. For online flying it is important to be able to switch frequencies in a rather efficient way. The therefore have defined one switch button on my yoke to swap frequencies on COM1 between the active and the STBY frequency. This works on all other aircraft, but the A310. The way that the COM-radios are coded this cannot be done. Is there a variable that can be used for this purpose? Or can you modify the code of the COM-radios to allow for this function to work properly?
  5. Yessssssssssssss. I also got my hands on MobiFlight now and with the help of friends we made it work! Interestingly we were only able to use A310-vars that we got with the latest update of MobiFlight. Implementing our own Lvars did not work as expected, but we may have made something wrong. I got all the light switches working now, phew! And I will also update FSUIPC to the latest version that covers the A310-variables.
  6. Yes, Johan pointed out an alternative procedure. For contingencies.
  7. Ok, fair enough. So, now, how do I bind them to my Honeycomb Alpha Yoke and other peripherals? Obviously they cannot be chosen from the standard MSFS controls setup.
  8. Ok, I got FSUIPC 7 now. I opened the WASM-menu and tried to find the above listed LVARs, but many of those light switches are not listed there. Could someone walk me through this? I have the manual in front of me, but...
  9. Oh, that's sooooooo small. I am old 🙂
  10. Are there any other programs to combine these VARs to our joysticks/yokes? In X-Plane we have FlyWithLua, but here...
  11. Guys, as a workaround you could save the FMS file directly in the A310's data directory, using the simBrief Downloader application. I have configured the simBrief Downloader to save files for the category "iniBuilds Flightplan" in the SIM-path YOURSIMDIRECTORY\Official\OneStore\microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\Data\FMS plans . Now, when you enter the desired city-pair on the INIT-page of your A310 FMS, it will find the flightplan and ask you if you want to use that one, or not.
  12. Yes, I experienced exactly the same behaviour last night.
  13. Looks like the -5 setting did the trick.
  14. I just got my hands on a complete FCOM of an A310-300. Indeed the AP will not disconnect when either electrical trim switch is actuated, because the electrical trim switches are supposed to be inhibited as long as at AP is engaged in CMD mode. Reference chapter 1.09.12.
  15. On the real aircraft that I fly, it does not happen, because at this moment in time you are in APP-mode and the EGPWS is not supposed to warn you for this. Still need to test, will come back with results in a short while.
  16. No, I only saw the mentioned video after that one flight. I took off from EDDS runway 07 and had the ILS 25 set active, 109.90, 251 degrees. After takeoff I got one or two GLIDESLOPE callouts. I will-verify with the DH set to -5! I took off in NAV and PRF mode.
  17. One more suggestion from me. I hope you are not getting too annoyed 😉 Would it be possible to refine the setting "LINK INSTRUMENTS" in a way that it is OFF, ALL altimeters and only the altimeters on the left and right side, but not the standby altimeter? The pressure setting on the standby altimeter is used by some pilots to set the QNH of the departure airport (for emergency return) and for the arrival airport to preset the QNH to compare to the setting made on the left and right side later in the descent.
  18. Would it be possible to implement an option for pilots to configure COM1 and COM2 to have either the modern 8.33 kHz or the legacy 0.25 kHz spacing? For online flying at VATSIM (and possibly other networks) it does take a loooooooong time to get frequencies dialled in and VATSIM uses 0.25 kHz frequency spacing. It would be much quicker this way.
  19. Thanks guys, that was the solution! It may be worth adding this information to the FAQ:
  20. Hmmm, the FlyByWire A320Neo does it. It's just PMDG who also claim that an EFB is impossible 😄
  21. I am aware that, after disconnecting the autopilot, pilots need to press the red button on their yoke in the cockpit. Is this the only way to cancel the AP disconnect warning? Is there a key-shortcut to virtually press one of the red buttons? Can users bind it to their hardware? And: shouldn't the autopilot also disconnect when either side's pitch trim is activated? The developers probably have access to the entire FCOM and can have a look.
  22. One observation about reverse thrust. Whatever I do, clicking on the thrust levers with my mouse cursor or using my throttle quadrant, the idle setting for reverse thrust seems to be somewhere between 45% and 50% N1. This seems a bit excessive. Is this normal?
  23. Hi there, when you set an ILS active and fly through/below its glideslope, although LAND/approach mode is not active, the GPWS generates a "glideslope!" callout. It should not do that.
  24. Would it be possible to have the option to use the hardware keyboard to insert data into the FMC, instead of having to use the mouse to press the letters on those virtual keys?
  25. Could you consider installing a placard that lists all the speed limitations for the flaps and the gear? On the right side of the gear lever would be a nice location, for example.
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