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  1. Moorzy0201


    Hi Inibuilds, Firstly, many congratulations on the A350 family for MSFS2020 / MSFS2024. It is a great aircraft with a lot to offer under the hood - just a couple of things I have noticed in my time of flying the A350 on MSFS2020. To caveat; I don’t fly the Airbus family but I am fortunate to fly the Boeing family in the real world. So again, this is only my feedback on some technical and non-technical items. 1.) CTD! What a pain, especially after you have been flying for 6 hours then the SIM has crashed. I have however found some excellent self help YouTube videos (especially those from EasyJetSim Pilot) on resetting the WASM folder. I have done that and will trial the new findings out when I get a day to do so. I am sure you are working on another patch for the aircraft for stability but on my own account, out of approximately 5 flights, 2 have resulted in CTD. 2.) Reverser calibration: The first time I installed the aircraft the calibration worked, I had to reinstall it due to resetting the WASM folder for the new update - now the reverser calibration on my Airbus Thrustmaster Throttle Quadrant does not work. Any ideas or fixes for this Inibuilds? 3.) Random A/P Disconnects; Most notability in the cruise. This seems to be the case whether it is on normal speed or X4 simulation speed. I have checked my Thrustmaster joystick sensitivity just to confirm. 4.) Acceleration Altitude F/D Excessive pitch down; Just to clarify this has only been viewed when on 2EO, once the aircraft reaches it’s defined acceleration altitude the nose goes from 18 degrees nose up to around 6-8 degrees rather quickly. Normally such F/D responses in the real world are a little more benign. 5.) Beacon Light Brightness; Once we put the ‘beacon light’ on the brightness seems rather pronounced, again in the real world I do not jump out of the cockpit to view this 😛 The reflections from the engine nacelle given off from the Beacon light seem rather bright. Again, Inibuilds please may I say ‘thank you’ for bringing the A350 to MSFS. A pretty sterling job so far, no doubt more updates will follow. If any of these points have been brought to your attention already then apologies. Once again, loving the A350 in the sim. Looking forward to many more products in the future from you and your fellow developers. Thanks Inibuilds!
  2. Inibuilds, you have any feedback on this?
  3. Eddie, Many thanks I don't fly an 'Airbus' normally.
  4. Afternoon Again, I am now getting a message on my left screen saying 'OIS Not Available'?!
  5. Afternoon, Congrats on the release of the A350! Unfortunately I am not able to see any Terminal Charts on the OIS? It is just showing a black screen with the tabs at the bottom (REF, AIRPORT, SID, STAR, etc....) I am also able to seach for the airports in the top left but still not showing any charts? I have a Navigraph subscriptions and have tried updating and resetting it numerous times. I am also using MSFS2020. Help???
  6. Morning, I have just bought the Victorville Airport for XP11 and as soon as I have come to download it, it goes to some webpage saying 'Internal Server Error: 500'?! Anyone from Inibuilds able to help? Thanks, Paul.
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