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  1. I suspect it was the AP continue use trim cause this problem. I try to disengage the AP before pause (ESC), and the plane was stable when out of the pause.
  2. I got the same issue
  3. EGLL DEP Aircraft should be limited at FL060, but the plane just ignore it.
  4. When MSFS warning my bing data lost, I press ESC to select the BING DATA on again. After return to flight, the aircraft was violently pitch up.
  5. Yes, the latest version. I try both, with and with out VPN, and I just can't download.
  6. It just show downloading without anyspeed. Maybe INIManager could set the HTTP(S) proxy server in the future?
  7. ohhh...I know why! Because some how INI think it should be install on Microsoft Flight Simulator\LocalCache\Packages\Community After move to Microsoft Flight Simulator\Community,everything came back to normal.
  8. Same problem here....And I disable the original KLAX.
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