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  1. I´ve noticed that the bank angel protection isnt working correct. In normal law the bank angel should not exceed 30° when letting go the stick. But thats not the case. In turns the bank stay at 40° or even more without touching the stick.
  2. On the N1 gauge, there should be a dial/indication, which is located behind the main dial, this dial should show how much power is set on the thrust levers. This dial is there in the A300 but is missing in your A310. It should be nice to ad this in a new update. Pls think of it cause its sometimes rather annoying.
  3. When you turning of the Packs for Takeoff, you get a warning that the packs are off. This shouldn’t be when turning off the Packs on Ground. Pls fix that cause this is rather annoying
  4. VSD Dose Not Show Level-off segments / dashed line when AFS CP altitude limits on descend/ descend path. This should be shown in the same way as in the climb. That would be a nice feature to implement.
  5. When selecting a direct to with abeam points, the abeam points often wont get placed correctly. I´ve had two problems the last few times I flew. The first one is that selecting an direct to with abeam often mixes up the whole direct, with abeampoints getting placed everywhere but not in the right order to have the direct. This mostly happens on SIDs and STARs when there are many waypoints in a with short distence in between. The second problem is that also on SIDs and STARs mostly, when you select a direct with abeam the abeam isnt placed at all. So no abeam waypoints are placed and its shown like you selected a waypoint without any abeampoints. Thats sometimes really anoying and I hope this is getting fixed shortly.
  6. When turning off the batterys the FCU also turns off, even if another power supply is provided. For example when doing a battery check on ground with groundpower the FCU turns off and black, but this shouldnt be that way. The FCU should stay on as the rest of the system. SEE picture
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