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  1. I'd really like to remove the autopilot panel in the modern 108. I want to fly it in the current time, so I don't want to use the classic cockpit, however in my opinion a autopilot is a system that is not needed in light aircraft. Both in real life and in the sim I fly for fun, and handflying makes fun.
  2. I've just tried the low setting preset and I've still got less than 40 fps in LEJ... honestly, what should I do if I can't get more than 30fps with a i9-12900k and a 3090Ti
  3. I've noticed the fps only drop when the engines are startet. Could the bad fps be caused by the engine smoke?
  4. I got the An225 and I have extremely bad fps in it.... as bad as in the a310. While I can run for example the Fenix a320 with FSLTL with stable 60 fps, I can barely run the 225 at 40fps without FSLTL
  5. Janniklpyt

    (too) Bad fps

    I have extremly bad fps in the a310. I tried both the enhanced and the standard model, it doesn't make a difference. I also tried different (small) airports. And please don't tell me that my settings are too high- i have about 20(!) more fps in the Fenix. And my machine isn't that bad either. (i9-12900K, RTX3090Ti, 64GB Ram)
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