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hallweston last won the day on May 1 2024

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Community Answers

  1. Hello, This is to do with how MSFS compresses the UV coordinates for MSFS. It rounds the coordinates to a lower decimal which in turn slightly moves the UV. The model you have is the UV the aircraft was textured with. This is one of the reasons assets heavily utilize decals in MSFS 2020/2024. - Weston
  2. Hello, for the default Iran Air this was done using a decal. Sadly because of MSFS's UV rounding, it is tough to make good UV's around areas like the nose. I will add this decal to the next repaint model. Thanks
  3. We are looking into it.
  4. Use the models from one of the liveries we provide for download (not N692FE, N672FE, N652FE, N149UP, or B-LAP) You will see a psd in the paint kit called A300_ext_nose_gear_albd in that file the area of open space to the left of the nose gear markings will be the roof reg. If you’re not using it then just make sure it’s transparent.
  5. I will work on this, I had lost the hdd that had all the ptp’s and p3d on it. So if it would require me to reinstall p3d and manually export them all again. If you know anyone that still has them installed lmk so they could send me the ptp’s. If not it will take time.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Entire American Airlines Fleet for the 777-200ER including the two Oneworld Jets. 47 tails in total
  7. I dont see the ini texture folder in your 200er simobjects folder.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    American Airlines Oneworld (N796AN) for the PMDG 777-200ER. Notes: Please ensure you have downloaded and installed our 777-200ER Base Textures. These are required for this livery to work correctly.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    File includes P3D V4 cockpit files if you're using V5 please install the V5 files below and overwrite the cockpit files in the liveries texture folder SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-800NGXu SSW\Texture.WNCB_XXXX_21. Current Inventory: N8638A BW (V1.0) N8609A SSW (V1.0) N8648A BW (V1.0) N8649A BW (V1.0) N8650F BW (V1.0) N8622A SSW (V1.0) P3D V5 VC Cockpit Files https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mA_aaksPCv-pKgv5QqD-13XYaniZL3Fp/view?usp=sharing
  10. Version 1.0.0


    United Airlines (N2747U) for the PMDG 777-300ER. Notes: Please ensure you have downloaded and installed our 777-300ER Base Textures. These are required for this livery to work correctly.
  11. Version 1.1.0


    Notes: Please ensure you have downloaded and installed our A320 Sharklets Base Textures. These are required for this livery to work correctly.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    N813SY in 2020 Config with white nose and white forward left cowl. For 737-800NGXu
  13. Version 1.0.0


    N999TY 737-700BW for PMDG NGXu BBJ Expansion
  14. Could you get some better images of what you mean by unsharp? Also the lines are anti aliasing artifacts from P3D and there’s not much we can do about it.
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