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  1. I cleared the WASM folder and also reinstalled the aircraft but it still freezing (on LFPG and LFPO, didn't try anywhere else). Don't clearly know if it's related to my FMS entry or the TCAS activation. Will try again tonight πŸ™‚ BTW, thanks for your answer and good luck to the dev team ! These bugs are relatively frustrating for all the simmers but I can't imagine for the people working on itπŸ˜‰
  2. Aircraft: A350-900 Simulator: FS2020 Navdata Method: NAVIGRAPH OFP: No flight plan for testing WASM Error: WASM: Exception c0000005 CommBus callback in module m178088ef2d4800fa WASM: callback execution for event NAVIGRAPH_FunctionResult, in module m178088ef2d4800fa, failed Specs: Core i7-9700 GTX1660 32Go I updated navigraph data and try to enter the departure airport in the FMS. The aircraft is unusable since the last update.
  3. The same here. The aircraft is unusable since the last update. It happens when I line up on the runway.
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