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Everything posted by Dogrokket

  1. Could be that the Fuel and Load page on the FMS isn’t properly filled out. I had the same problem on the FBW A380. The 350 is CG sensitive and if your trim setting doesn’t match your aircraft loading, you will have pitch controllability problems. If you’re importing from simbrief, make sure that you transfer the ZFWCG from the EFB load page to the ZFWCG entry on the load page in the FMS. If you do this correctly, the FMS will calculate the proper take off CG setting. Hope this helps.
  2. Had the same problem. I believe this is a cache issue with MSFS and the GPU. There are some freeware programs and a lot of vids on YouTube that will help with this. I still get some stutters, but greatly improved.
  3. On the flight plan page and the ND, altitude and speed constraints that will not be made should show amber color. At this time, they show as magenta, whether you’re going to make them or not. Hopefully, this will be updated.
  4. Not sure if this answers your question, but if you turn the knob on the AFSCP to PLAN and zoom back to say, 20 mi, you can use the up/down arrows on the flight plan screen to cycle through the waypoints. Turn on the constraint button to see alt and speed constraints. In the real airplane, we use the “tire”, or little wheel on the KCCU (keyboard cursor control unit), next to the 'potato' (track ball), to roll through the flight plan.
  5. Disregard. I was using my throttle profile for the A380 where left throttle controlled engine one and two. 🥴
  6. Using a TM HOTAS Warthog for throttles... set up and working on MSFS2020, but the A350 only recognizes the left throttle of the HOTAS. When I move the left throttle, both thrust levers move in the AC; when I move the right throttle on the HOTAS: Nothing happens. This is confirmed on the EFB Throttle Calibration menu. Has anyone seen this?? What am I missing? Thanks!
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