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Everything posted by liketofly1

  1. But do both of them do the sound or just one?
  2. But do they work on both throttles?
  3. Hi, I found that the "Audible Thrust Detent" only works on the Left (No.: 1 Eng.) and not on the Right (No.: 2 Eng.) If I move my throttles, the left one is clearly audible, the right one not at all.... Kind regards liketofly
  4. Hi, Again WASM crash after Simbrief FP import from MSFS2024 EFB/Simbrief plugin/app. AMD 5900X, Nvidia RTX390, 64GM Sys.Mem., Windows 11 Pro, 24H2, Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.48.0. A350 v1.0.2, MSFS2024; SU1 installed and WASM was cleard just before the flight and ofcorse also before install of the A350. EGLLLEMD_M24_10Mar25.pln
  5. liketofly1


    Perfect 😁 Thanks!
  6. liketofly1


    Any hint when there might be an update, addressing the WASM/CTD crashes ?
  7. Hi, did SU1 bring any stability updates/fixes for the A350 that where not in the beta?
  8. Device name CHEWBACCA Processor AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor 3.70 GHz Installed RAM 64,0 GB System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display Windows 11 Pro 24H2 26100.3194 NVIDIA RTX 3090; NVIDIA 572.6 Driver WASM error: WASM: Error during MFD_gauge_update execution. Error code : 0xc000001d WASM: Module vfs://inibuilds-aircraft-a350/SimObjects/Airplanes/A350/attachments/inibuilds/Function_Interior_A350/panel/inibuilds-A350.wasm is now dirty Error occured during step climb imput on MCDU
  9. liketofly1

    WASM Crash

    Sorry, this plane is absoluty bugged since the update. I could get a flight in on Thursday but now, after the update, I'm tying since the morning to get a flight, however the systems crash in sooo many diffentent ways its just not working. I already un- reinstalled the plane and cleared the WASM folder several times, It's the same every time. For now I'l not be using this plane as its just causing too much frustration. Last crash happend when I was working in the MCDU, trying to enter StepAlts when WASM crashed with these errors. Cursor just feezes and everything hangs. WASM: Varget of NAV HAS TACAN in module vfs://inibuilds-aircraft-a350/SimObjects/Airplanes/A350/attachments/inibuilds/Function_Interior_A350/panel/inibuilds-A350.wasm failed with error 0xffffffff WASM: Error during MFD_gauge_update execution. Error code : 0xc000001d WASM: Module vfs://inibuilds-aircraft-a350/SimObjects/Airplanes/A350/attachments/inibuilds/Function_Interior_A350/panel/inibuilds-A350.wasm is now dirty Aircraft: A350-1000 BAW Livery Simulator: MSFS2024 SU1 Beta v1.3.24.0 Navdata Method: NAVIGRAPH Specs: ÁMD 5900X, RTX3090, 64GB kind regards Richard Oberwinkler EGLLFACT_PDF_1740840508.pdf
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