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  1. Today I made my first flight with the new version v1.0.2 (MSFS 2020), prematurely delivering the first SWISS A350 from LFBO to LSZH. This flight went absolutely uneventful, completely under managed mode. I’m convinced that this airplane is going to be fantastic after initial problems have been resolved by the development team. I’d also like to mention that introducing the HB-IFA iivery parallel to the SWISS announcement was a very nice surprise! I must say that most of my previous A350 flights since the introduction of this airplane were very frustrating, always due to problems with the autopilot system and managed flight, which sometimes resulted completely unusable. Even so, I always managed to get the airplane to destination in one piece … I don’t know if this success is due to the new version or has other reasons (like I did never switch to an external view during this flight, except to silence the still unnerving AP off alarm). Also other possible causes like liveries are discussed in the forum (the only uneventful flight before this one was with a non-iniBuilds ITA livery (which by the way did overwrite the A350-900 entry in my MSFS Airplane selection menue). Thanks to the team, I’m convinced that you will get it right!
  2. Thank you - in the meantime I found out that I misinterpreted the EFB options grafics, wrong settings. Am on a smooth flight right now ... Everything fine!
  3. I use to taxi all my airplanes in MSFS 2020 (including airliners like the perfect PMDG B777) using rudder pedals only, no tiller. I did look forward to fly the new A350, and was at first impressed by the sophisticated electronics. But so far I never made it even to the runway. I can make small corrections to keep a straight line on the taxiway, but at the first turnoff the airplane just continues straight on ... I hope that this is not another disappointment like Aerosoft's A330, which behaves well on the ground, but crashes each time soon after takeoff. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who doesn't want to bother with a tiller and hope that there is a solution. However, researching the (otherwise good) iniBuilds manual, the still few video tutorials and the EFB's options section I have found no relevant instructions. Would appreciate help, thank you!
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