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Everything posted by Burford

  1. An announcement was made that this problem has been fixed in 1.0.1. I will update and check later.
  2. Has anyone encountered any of the following events? 1. attempts to fly according to the pre-set flight plan, but stalls when trying to gain altitude all at once. 2.Even if the rate of climb is specified in the V/S, the aircraft ignores it and tries to gain altitude. *The Simbrief flight plan cannot be installed in the first place. The import itself does not seem to be an ID issue, as the fuel settings are correctly confirmed from the OIS.
  3. The following manuals, p. 43, contain this description. inibuilds-aircraft-a350\Resources\Documentation\Airbus A350 Manual 1.3.pdf The fact that only a few people in the world can play a flight simulator continuously for, say, six hours should be better known.
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