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  1. Yep the autoland is abysmal. Kinda embarrassing. Its a default feature for all the new planes. The plane basicaly tries to kill you. Out of 6 attempts at autoland not one went as it should. At all
  2. No changes to the missing sounds or too loud start after the 1.0.2. I love the feeling of being ignored inibuilds. No acknowledgement or anything. Well spent 82€
  3. In options there are 2 sounds submenus, one is volumes and the other has "wheel bump", "take off whine" and also the click sounds. You should find it easily
  4. Did you enabled it in options ?
  5. I have not seen this one but autoland is questionable. In my 2 tries sofar it on the first did okeyish job was just alot off center but good on the touchdown markers and vertical speed. And on a second try (same airport, same wind, same runway) it basicaly slammed into the runway threshold. Completely missing the touchdown zone, centerline and with high vertical speed.
  6. Its weird cuz in ytb videos you hear some touchdown sounds. While i also cant hear gear retraction and extension sounds when i fly it. Might be bugged.
  7. From 3 separate flights i noticed missing several audios. Like landing gear retraction or extension sound. No touchdown sound. Basicaly no ground roll sound. And some badly mixed sounds. The engine start is in the begining good but then it suddenly kicks in and is basicaly an earrape. Outside its an earrape from the begining. Oh and messing with the audio settings in the EFB doesnt help much. I understand that the product will get updates but this badly done audio on release from a product that costs most people 80€+ is questionable. The latest updated didnt fixed any of my mentioned issues.
  8. Whats the vat rate in your country? If its 19% then 71.39£ is correct. And 71.39£ is never gonna be 75€ in fact its above 86€ at least. So everything 100% as it should be.
  9. And obviously disable any assistances mainly the auto trim one in msfs settings.
  10. Disarm and arm the ground spoilers again. Should fix it. And ofc disable any asistences like auto trim etc.
  11. D-atis is usually ony in usa. Outside of vatsim.
  12. Not a bug. Please read some materials before flooding the forum with these posts. Arm and disarm or vice versa the ground spoilers the plane should auto trim the THS.
  13. Yeah same. The audio cues are somewhat abrupt and insanely loud and the rest is as if there is nothing. Somewhat badly mixed and feel out of place. Also i discovered that the audio sliders of engines do nothing except the main one up top. The whole audio feels cheap and broken. If you stop engine start the audio continues as if you didnt do anything. Hopefully will get fixed soonish.
  14. The said 59,99£ excluding tax.......... So its 100% as advertised
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