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  1. Apparently it is right. Most real life pilots apparently do not use rings around their points but just use the fix page to enter the coordinates/Waypoints to be displayed which is obviously sufficient
  2. I had a WASM crash when I entered the arrival into the KCCU (clicking INSERT TMPY) Happened when: VABB, Arrival, entering RWY 27, Entering ILS Z 27, Entering Insert, Clicking INSERT TMPY -> Crash Information: A350-900 MSFS 2020 SIM Default Navdata WASM Error: WASM: Exception c0000005 in gauge MFD in module vfs://inibuilds-aircraft-a350/SimObjects/Airplanes/inibuilds-aircraft-a350-900/panel/inibuilds-A350.wasm Specs: RTX 4080, I9 12900k, 64 GB Ram
  3. it's due to FSrealistic or head tracker for example. The Cursor needs to be completely still. Turn off anything that makes it vibrate a little then it works first time.
  4. Hello, following problem: especially the KCCU is hard to click, when you either have a system such as head tracking active or third party systems such as FSRealistic with breathing simulation or vibrations. I believe the cursor only works when completely still, because with these vibrations and little movements it's not still. Maybe you could change that behaviour to work even when (slightly) moving! Thanks 🙂
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