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Everything posted by MPO910

  1. I am almost 5 hours in from LFMN to FMEE.....and no issues BUT TCAS is off, I don´t want to risk it today... 😉
  2. Be aware, the TCAS freeze with 1.0.2 occured also after hours in flight, but most often during Taxi, LineUp and as I experienced also while on TakeOff roll and shortly after Lift Off. Report how it goes for you, that would be nice and much appreciated. I keep my fingers crossed for you!
  3. Did you use Injected AI Traffic and had turned the TCAS on? Or did you leave TCAS on standby? TCAS ON had several Freezes for me in follow.....leaving it on standby during my flights all went well. I did not try it after the 1.0.3 update though. IniBuilds stated it should be fixed now with 1.0.3
  4. Does turning TCAS on still lead to Freezes? Or did a fix make it into the 103 update? Thanks Marcus
  5. I need to test this when it happens again. What I recall is, that even the ICONS below the Charts-List left in the OIS, (APC, SID, STAR, etc. BUT excl. the PINNED ICON) did disappear as well.
  6. There are people stating they have TCAS issues. When they fly with TCAS OFF, their wasm freezes are gone. Maybe give it a try if you use TCAS on, turn it off and maybe you are lucky to have a work around
  7. Yes. I have seen this in MSFS2024 as well. After ca. 2 hours the LIDO charts won´t show up when selecting them. The OIS stays black when clicking on charts. Refreshing, searching or resetting the credentials does not have a positive impact on that. Ones they are disapeared they stay disapeared.
  8. Thanks for replying. I am patient but also just honest, open and direct. Sorry if that hasn't reached you. Thanks again. I'm waiting finally to enjoy your most beautiful ever developed plane! That's a compliment!
  9. This might be the cause of your crash! There are issues identified with TCAS. Leave TCAS standby... Some are reporting less or no wasm freeze after that.
  10. Turn off TCAS or leave it of during flight maybe that's your issue. There is a dedicated topic about that. Maybe you are lucky that you may have a work around
  11. @Eddie I think the WASM crashes are also related to turning TCAS ON and using Traffic injections... Because...Turning TCAS OFF or leaving it off, I did manage to get up in the air...wich before was NOT possible... Just something to check Thank you too for your effort! regards, Marcus
  12. @Eddie By all respect, I do think inibuilds need to make an official statement by so many issues and a paid product which is not usable in FAR over 50% of the use. I respect you and your company and trusted to buy, but I did not expected this. Yes, my expectations are my responsibilty, but the product remains inibuilds. I think it is time to make a public announcement. This release and "taste" your (inibuilds) customers get WILL have influence on your next products. I think inibuilds need to avoid a bigger negative impact Thanks in advance
  13. I do keep it a bit short: Initial release - MSFS2020 and MSFS2024 many WASM issues Update 1.0.1 - Both sims, better then initial release. In my case not a single WASm freeze, made 7 flights all longer then 5 hours spreaded over both sims Update 1.0.2 - every single time WASM freeze In my opinion, and as a professional SCRUM Master, this is catastrophic. I see tons of issues reported, not only WASM ctd, but Navigraph integrations issues, GSX issues and so many "standards" not working which should have prorperly tested before release (SEC Flightplans, Checklists, Charts etc.). @iniBuilds I did wrote this on your support forum as well, but I think it is time to raise pressure on you, NOT to harm you or be disrespectful, BUT to make my "voice" getting heard 🙂 And I do hope others join me, because we paid almost EUR 80 for this "state of release". Currently I tried your latest release.......and it is not usable at my end. My sims are stable, both...and my issues are 100% A350 related. Please make a public statement and take reponsibilty AND connect to your customers this way. Thanks in advance I followed all your instructions (WASM clearing, even completely fresh installs A350 AND MSFS2024 as well)
  14. It is really anyoing whats going on with this plane. So many CTD I never had seen before. Even my MSFS2020 with A350, and I have a super stable MSFS2020 when using other planes.
  15. No, I didn´t and honestly, I do not want to report so many crash reports. I want to use my purchased product without this many issues and just fly. My Displays and all controls freezed while just turning to the right entering the runway or also during pushback using GSX and clicking Checklist Button to open my Before Takeoff checklist. While entering runways I did not click anything, only used the tiller to turn right 31L OMAA OMAA/31L N0490F390 KANI2U KANIP N318 LAKLU G216 ALPOR M504 TELEM A791 ARIVO/N0484F410 A791 SEBMA Q19 CEA B465 CTG A599 LINSO/K0891S1250 A599 POU R473 SIERA SIER7A VHHH/07L WASM Folders where cleared before I reinstalled the product, because when updating, performance is repeatingly worse then when I uninstall and reinstall completely. Before uninstalling I delete WASM Uninstall A350 Install A350 Run the sims and choose a light airport to let the files compile and then my performance is 10 to 15 FPS better as when updating (without FrameGen I get 55 to 60 when performance is good, when JUST updating your product AND clear WASM before the updateprocess I get 40 to 45 FPS) wich is strange. But in MSFS2024 and MSFS2020 now this A350 gets in the hangar till the next update.1 @iniBuilds Please te responsibilty for this release. I am a SCRUM Master and AGile Coach from profession and I know what I am talking about. But this release is in no way properly tested! Tons of "fixes" which in my case made the product WORSE and increases instabilty. That is not the right way guys/girls! I have respect for your efforts, but I also want to see inibuilds making a official statement on this "release". The product is unusable atm
  16. Yep......3 out of 3 aready.....and everytime before takeoff.....no funl
  17. A support forum full of wasm Crashes... That's really no fun anymore. And never bin that much on Amy other released plane. How is this possible? 2 weeks after release the reports, after 1.0 2. don't get less. At least as it seems to me. Such a beautiful plane and so many issues... I wish IniBuilds the best sorting this shortly and quick...because the next time a plane gets released this may become an issue and that would be a pity!
  18. Exactly. As a user I want to define how to set my plane up. then give this setup a profile name and save it and define, wich saved Profile to be my default startup state (all my knobs, lights, APU, GPU, or External equipment, adirs, etc. should be saved. FMS should be at init or NAVData page.. At least 5 profiles should be able to generate and save, and also make it able to give us users to choose from them and activate them, without the need to set them as default startup profile.. But a minimum viable product which could be easy, is to be able to set one of your already offered profiles as the default startup profile. That would be a great thing. Just, when running on APU, on GPU or with Engines running, the ADIRS should be on and the plane should be alligned! Like in real life as well. Mostly the ground crew prepares the plane before the first flight is done and then the crew jumps in and starts with programming.....almost all the time the ADIRS are alligned.
  19. @richboy2307 I have just done my flight from EFHK to HKJK. After roughly 6 hours I noticed FPS decrease, sudden FPS decrease. from 50 down to 35-40 and heavy stuttering while panning views in VR. Also exiting VR did not help out. The SIM performed worse as just before stuttering began.. I entered VR again. I have noticed, that switching in the OIS from ENROUTE to Everything else then ENROUTE AND CHARTS, did immidiatley recover my FPS to 50 again in VR. I decided to toggle between ENROUTE or CHART and the Other TABS like LDG PERF. I was able to reproduce this FPS drop as soon as I choose ENROUTE or CHARTS. And the drop always was from 50 down to 35-40 and when choosing OIS TABS like LDG PERF or TAKEOFF PERF: FPS increased immidiately and the SIM ran smooth again. The views where extremely sluggish while having OIS at CHART or ENROUTE and it was immidiately smooth again after going to LDG PERF TAB in the OIS again. While viewing ENROUTE, also the Navigraph IFR HIGH, IFR LOW and WORLD DAY, NIGHT etc. won´t load completely in. Only half of my OIS was filled with the ENROUTE Chart. the only ENROUTE CHART that would show completely was STANDARD, but FPS decrease and slugish view also stayed while viewing at ENROUTE STANDARD CHART. 100% Reproducable at my end. I am sure it is related to the Navigraph CHART integration in the OIS. This was in MSFS 2020 and your latest update. I already have deleted my WASM folders before updating to 1.0.1 and also have done that after updating, just to be sure to start with a "clean" setup. AMD 7800X3D and RTX4090 with 64GB 6000MhZ RAM. Everything on NVME SSD. Windows 11 latest updates as well.
  20. @richboy2307 The issue may be another one concerning charts like Standard charts and Navigraph charts as well. I recon, that after several hours (at least 2 or 3 hours) in flight, when using the IFR/VFR maps from Navigraph (day or night does not matter) they do not update when increasing or decreasing zoom. They seem to get stuck. When decreasing zoom, blocks on all sights appear (the blocks don´t get updated with new chart material as you decrease zoom) and stay black, when you decrease enough, so zoom out enough, the whole display becomes black (thats what you see on the OP and second post). Zoom in again may return the previous shown chart parts, untill your plane proceeds and while further flying, no new chart material gets loaded in....so finally all display gets black.... This happens more often to navigraph charts and the standard charts seem less affected, but they are. My performance seems not an issue.....45FPS and less then 65% VRAM on my 799X3D CPU and 4090GPU
  21. It seems hard coded and stays always 17 Celsius. Nothing modelled here. They have changed it from minus 20 to 17 celsius with the update 1.0.1
  22. The OIS (and FMS blue value) does not show differences in VAPP Speed when switching between CONFIG3 or CONFIGFULL Landing. The landing distance required is increasing when choosing CONFIG3, but the VAPP stays the same (in my case 144 at arriving OMAA via 31L). I do expect a higher VAPP when selecting CONFIG3 in the landing performance calculator
  23. The OIS (and FMS blue value) does not show differences in VAPP Speed when switching between CONFIG3 or CONFIGFULL Landing. The landing distance required is increasing when choosing CONFIG3, but the VAPP stays the same (in my case 144 at arriving OMAA via 31L). I do expect a higher VAPP when selecting CONFIG3 in the landing performance calculator
  24. Also at GATLA1A into FMMI the case when suing RNP29 for landing. Exact the same draw pattern as the OP mentioned. It should have been a 15dme arc. The ND does not draw an arc.
  25. Exactly. I see this also. Plane is offset and the chart is updating its direction with a huge leg and therefore always far behind my exact location (on top comes the sidewards offset as the OP mentioned)
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