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Everything posted by CptVsevolod

  1. I’d like to report 5 more bugs found during line operations. 1. When TRACK/FPA AFS CP mode selected there is no cyan track line on the PFD shown. It has to be like on the image attached. 2. When one engine out and speed reaches green dot there is no THR MCT flashing on the FMA. Same goes with other engine out scenarios when thrust levers are set to climb or below, there is no THR MCT flashing. 3. When DU is off there has to be a fault triggered on ECAM and reconfiguration has to occur. This simulation is completely missing. Here is a demonstration of how it has to work 4. Checklist menu is wrong. First of all the checklist you are using is outdated, the new format is being used nowadays. Secondly, if the checklist has more items than can be displayed on one page, on screen arrows have to be displayed in order to be able to move the checklist up or down (before takeoff checklist for instance). In your simulation it’s completely impossible to review the whole checklist items list without ticking them. Also, the real thing allows you to use the scroll wheel to move up or down through the checklist, whereas your model has only the cursor available. 5. For some reason you can always hear the marker beacon sounds even if it’s not selected on the RMP.
  2. Some additional feedback this time related to FMS misbehavior. 1. Secondary flight plan constraints menu (SPD CSTR, ALT CSTR, STEP…) can not be accessed for some reason. Any attempt opens up the primary flight plan revision page instead. 2. Blue arrow (level off) predictions are incorrect. When using any mode other than managed climb or managed descent it continues to show level off predictions for the managed mode. Also, when flying heading mode the level off arrow is always located right next to the aircraft symbol and does not represent the real expected level off point in any way. 3. MFP F-PLN page shows incorrect heading and distances between waypoint under some circumstances. I tested it for ULLI GENPA1B STAR, starting from LI754 all tracks and distances are messed up. 4. SEC F-PLN does not show FPA values between waypoints on F-PLN for the final approach segment. It only shows tracks and distances, which are also quite often messed up as previously described above. 5. Alternate flight plan is not loading from simbrief and it is impossible to construct it manually. 6. Tansition level and altitudes are incorrectly extracted from the database. All airport that I’ve tried are affected (UUEE, ULLI, WSSS) using navigraph database. I’m very much looking forward to you investigating into these issues, thank you in advance.
  3. Hello everyone! There are couple of small (and I hope easy to fix) issues found for the beautiful A350. 1. When PA button is being pressed on any RMP it does not illuminate with a green light and it doesn’t even have a texture for the bulb (unlike other buttons (CAB, INT)… The real aircraft has the light illuminated once PA button is pressed and as long as it’s maintained. 2.MFP - ATC COMM - CONNECT page has “ADS-C connected” instead of “ADS-C armed” status displayed when NO ADS-C connections established. That is wrong. The real thing has to have ADS-C ARMED written there until at least one ADS-C connection is established that would also be displayed on the mailbox. 3. INT/RAD switch on RMP 2 click spot is blocked by the flap lever click spot, so unable to switch it once the flaps are retracted. 4. MFD-NAVAID page does not allow insertion of one letter NDB identifiers. Any attempt leads to display of “out of range” spurious message. Also, the frequencies depicted from identifiers are incorrect (for example once BW is inserted in UUEE it puts frequency 375.0 instead of 380.0). For reference I do have Navigraph database activated and everything else is working properly (ANF and so on). 5. Also once performance data for secondary flight plan during preflight is inserted, trying to open perfomance page for the primary flight plan via MFD T.O. Perf button opens up Secondary PERF page for some reason. But if you use physical PERF key on the KCCU the Perf page for the primary flight plan is opened correctly. I really hope you will be able to investigate those issues and come up with a quick fix. Other than that thank you for the great product!
  4. Hello guys! First of all, I wanted to thank you for the amazing product you have released. A350 for me personally (and I know for a lot of people as well) is the favorite aircraft ever made. Words can’t describe how exited and thankful I am to you guys for finally making this beauty to the sim! One thing I wanted to ask you for is the Aeroflot livery. I think lots of people would like to fly it one day, since it really is gorgeous and ads one more destination to many simmer´s itinerary. Thank you!
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