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Jack Dudley

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Everything posted by Jack Dudley

  1. Yes I’ve heard of this issue. Were you perhaps in a piracy server? iniBuilds have a 0 tolerance policy on piracy, regardless of whether you were posting in it or not. Find @Eddie if you can with proof of purchase of an ini aircraft/product. He will then take it from there to try and unban you and sort it out.
  2. iniBuilds needs to give you guys a raise. 24/7 dealing with angry people, happy people, people in general! Excited for the a350 Xbox release, and im sorry that some people seem to think that you have anything to do with it anymore.
  3. Hi. I’ve just realised that this isn’t true-I just mistook your meaning!! You have been very kind and helpful, I appreciate all the work you’ve been doing, keep at it 🙂🙂
  4. Of course! It not a lot but it’s something. If you have discord, im sure they will have something over there as well! Happy flying!
  5. Oh wow..yeah thats not coming to Xbox 🤣🤣
  6. Wait wait wait the A300 has actaul emergency slides!?!
  7. Yeah I’ve had this aswell I think it’s just incorrect placement of cursor really no biggie
  8. This is because of having an alternative viewing angle I assume? Would you know of ms have any plans on supporting a feature like this? Many thanks Jack
  9. Ik im not a mod but form what I have seen are you involved in any piracy servers? Of so, and rightfully, you should have been banned from that.
  10. The landing light is controlled by the switches in the overhead panel at the front at lighting that say LDNG LGT. They have retracted, open, and on positions. The wing light is a single switch used at night and takeoff/landing
  11. You are wrong. Thats a landing light. Wing lights are on the fuselage pointing TOWARDS the engines and slats. Landing lights are designed to light up the runway and surrounding area to show an aircraft is below 10,000 feet and is preparing to land or taking off.
  12. So, from what I’ve seen, they have a 0 tolerance piracy policy. Whether you were sharing and posting in a group or not, if you were in a group with ANY sort of piracy involved, you were most likely banned for that. Try and find a mod to dm and with proof of purchase of their product(s) you will most likely be unbanned.
  13. This, is most probably due to a situation which the A/P feels it cant handle. For example- direct law, spin, dive. You try and turn on A/P, it just clicks off and reverts a law- hopefully not into mechanical backup. So, obviously you aren’t in that situation…so either a bug, orrrr ai pitch trim is on. ORRR it could be that UOU didnt set it up properly.
  14. Hi. The throttles jumping a bit is a thrustmaster issue anyway- there’s such an unrealistic jump between idle and climb, then climb and mct, and mct and toga. This makes mct, toga and climb have very small jumps in throttle, and going up to 70% N1 whilst taxiing.
  15. I don’t think Dave is going to reply. If you want it, search up ‘A350 FCOM full’ on google here’s a link to yhe one I downloaded. I think it’s the best we can get this and A330 driver videos if not form an actaul TR pilot. https://aircraft.airbus.com/sites/g/files/jlcbta126/files/2023-02/Airbus-Commercial-Aircraft-AC-A350-900-1000.pdf
  16. I’d really hope so
  17. Exactly. It’s very, very annoying. Even if it is taking long, at least give us an update!! All we know is from Ini, which isnt their fault and all they said is ‘Xbox coming soon’ because not even they know!! Msfs have got to step up their game, still haven’t learned from 24 release
  18. Thank you. I don’t know you, but I can already tell, you are better than Eddie. He, for some reason, always respond EXTREMELY passive-aggressively and seems to have no regard for customers. Many thanks
  19. Uuhhh…you could calibrate the throttle itself? Otherwise..restart the sim maybe? I really have no idea. Sorry.
  20. This happens randomly. Restart the flight, and if that doesn’t work, the sim and you should be just fine. Ignore the top quote.
  21. Exactly. It should be here soon.
  22. Hi everybody. I know this isnt in inis hands anymore but does anybody have any clue when the A350 (may) release for Xbox? Im guessing Thursday and i hope so but any ideas? cheers
  23. The a350 is just about to be released for Xbox essentailly
  24. Mmmmm…yes but expect it to be the same quality as the 350….not great for the price point
  25. Yea this unfortnetly happens on most aircraft restart the sim and it fixes it
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