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  1. Guys guys, give the Inibuilds team a break!!!! it looks like none of you understands the complexity of this airplane. I do have the same issues as everybody else, but give the team a break and let them do what they’re good at, finding solutions for the bugs in the airplane. If we keep reporting the shortcomings in a constructive way, I’m persuaded that this airplane will become at the same level as a PMDG or Fenix airplane. and NO, I’m not sponsored at all by Inibuilds. After all, nobody forced us to buy the plane, we all did that because we love the A350. Rgrds, E
  2. Is your VATSIM ONLINE?
  3. Super, what a quick reply!!!
  4. Hello, how do I open doors? Can only find cargo door controls, no entry/ service doors.
  5. Hello, Airplane looks more than ok, and systems are pretty realistically simulated, congratulations Inibuilds !!!!! Installed on a MSFS2020, I am suffering from two issues since the first moment after installation, 1) terminal charts are not accessible and 2)a/c freezes (every single indication on the displays, as well as all knobs and switches all over the cockpit remain in one random frozen position, the NAV display no longer updates the position in respect of the flightplan) and with the airplane still flying-moving in respect of the world. A/C remains controllable with the joystick, and moves as commanded then. Hoping for a quick fix for this Eric
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