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Everything posted by RTK1972

  1. any chance we will see a compressing landing gear ? That this feature is missing is really not acceptable for a 2025 product...
  2. RTK1972

    No ILS Capture

    in all honesty: This is a joke. The A350 is the only plane i have issues with. Even the Fenix has zero problems and it is way complex...
  3. RTK1972

    No ILS Capture

    but having an issue at every airport i fly to isn't realistic, isn't it ? And with the Fenix, as an examle, i don't have any issue.....
  4. RTK1972

    No ILS Capture

    i swotched it to Navigraph, because with Software neither a SID nor a STAR showed up and wasn't seleectable. So with Navigraph at least i was able to select the right SID or STAR approach, even though i don'T have a navigraph subscription...
  5. RTK1972

    No ILS Capture

    same for me happens. if i select runway 25R (EDDF) in FMS, the ILS frequency shows up but if you approach the airport ILS is not "activating". This happens with every airport i am approaching and try to do a ILS approach (EIDW, LPPT, LEBL and EDDM)
  6. well now i could enter runway and what approach i want to fly, but the ILS is not enganging, even though i can see the right frequency on the display....
  7. i did. I just realized that if i change in 3rd party options from software to Navigraph it works..
  8. same for me. I can select Takeoff runway but no SID or STAR (there are nod SID or STAR showing up). Only none is selectable....and for landing the ILS frequ is missing too... I do not have a Navigraph subscription...
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