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  1. I wonder why there is no answer. I am experiencing the same at flight commencement, before push request.
  2. The installer program ini manager installed the aircraft! Please reinstate my activation counter!
  3. Edit: The next day: I was a little premature when I wrote the freighter works. The problem persists. The efb tablet cannot be accessed and nothing can be selected. In sim pause mode it is possible to flick through the efb tablet pages but nothing can be selected, at least not with any effect after unpausing the sim. Also I noticed the FPS have dropped to a horrible 10 count with interiror forward 3d cockpit vision.
  4. Edit: Finally got it to work. I was able to get the freighter version working before the activations were depleted. The Pax version still needs to be activated for which I am requiring a reset of the activations. How can I effect a reset of the counter? Do I have to open a ticket for that?
  5. Enter does not have any effect on my selection at all. I had to re-download my products I purchased. The Activation however failed because the activation count apparently was exceeded. I wasted an entire day to get it to work. This is really disappointing.
  6. Edit: So deleted the Avitab.json file again, reloaded the sim and the ini tab reappeared, but now does not seem to have click spots active when the sim is running. Only when pausing the sim do menus become selectable, however without any effect as to what was selected. It seems to be hanging. The Aircraft was updated via the current iniManager tool.
  7. Edit: After including the efb .json file to the main directory of the A300 the efb shows, but not the the A300's own tablet?!
  8. After Download and activation of both pax and cargo version v2 the efb tablet stays black. Cannot choose anything.
  9. I think that is a petty. Other autoupdaters like navigraph or skunk updater seem to be able to. But o.k. as long as I know this is how it works I can live with it.
  10. After using the ini manager for the first time I noticed the tool did not scan my install correctly. It claimed I had uninstalled aircraft, hence could not find it. After being prompted for an install the tool installed my aircraft-add-ons for a second time, by creating an own subfolder called iniSimulations. I have organised all my pay ware in a "Payware" folder apart from a "Freeware" or Laminar Research and Extra Aircraft Folder. Is there a chance to have this changed, so the updater search will also include subfolders of the Aircraft folder)
  11. I have noticed a slight mesh problem that occurs with the scenery in conjunction with ORBX True Earth Southern Cal scenery. The KVCV scenery appears on a plateau that sharply drops off at one side with distorted landscape and autogen.
  12. Looking forward to the new version: - Will the v2 version solve the take-speed bug. Currently the A300-600 takes off at 110 kts at flaps 15! - The GE PAX version always crashes to disk. A problem with a VRconfig.txt file. I am not using VR. Please see attached log txt excerpt. 1:12:24.324 I/OVR: Reading VR conf file: Aircraft/Payware/iniSimulations A300-600R(F) v1.13 - Passenger/A300_GE_PAX_vrconfig.txt 1:12:24.324 W/VRCONFIG: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/Payware/iniSimulations A300-600R(F) v1.13 - Passenger/A300_GE_PAX_vrconfig.txt 1:12:24.324 W/VRCONFIG: VR Config data file for Aircraft/Payware/iniSimulations A300-600R(F) v1.13 - Passenger/A300_GE_PAX_vrconfig.txt is not valid! 1:12:24.324 W/MANIPS: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/Payware/iniSimulations A300-600R(F) v1.13 - Passenger/A300_GE_PAX_vrconfig.txt 1:12:24.324 W/MANIPS: VR Manips file for Aircraft/Payware/iniSimulations A300-600R(F) v1.13 - Passenger/A300_GE_PAX_vrconfig.txt is not valid! 1:12:24.324 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_NormalLoading to state_Normal 1:12:24.324 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck. - Is it possible to put current customers on a mailing list that informs about product updates. Thank you.
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