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Everything posted by BenAura

  1. BenAura


    STAFF EDIT (translated from GER to ENG): An a350f is probably planned. But Inibuilds can't release an aircraft that doesn't even exist. And if they use it with the A350-900 to get it out, they have to change the whole flight experience at some point. It's best to write in English, it's irritating and annoying for the others.
  2. The Trailer doesn't stand for the final product. And I don't see any difference.
  3. I had this problem too, the only (temporary) way I know to solve this is to turn off my autothrust, set the thrust to idle and set the speedbrakes. And I think it's better to use manual thrust for the approach.
  4. Delete the files of the broken aircrafts. If you are on XBox, just go on gamecard->manage->stored elements and delete all.
  5. This problem exists now for over an week and it's annoying. I can only fly Airbus and the other aircrafts in the sim are just trash. So I'm asking for advise or when/if you fix this problem. I love your aircrafts and I don't want to wait for the a350 to fly an Inibuilds aircraft again.
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