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Everything posted by Prophet

  1. As per the title, when entering fuel values manually for alternate and final fuel, and then you change the taxi fuel, the alternate and final fuel values will be reset.
  2. Prophet

    MCDU click lag

    I have the exact same issue. All physical buttons work without issue, but screens have really bad hit detection. I usually use TrackIR for headtracking during departure/arrivals and it feels like the hit detection gets even worse with headtracking while moving your head. If I stay completely still without moving my head the hit detection is about the same as without headtracking.
  3. Go to the D-ATIS page and press Update (make sure that an ICAO is set). LikeDroneSim said, you only get METARs when ATIS is unavailable, otherwise you'll get an ATIS. And also, as far as I know, you need a Hoppie ACARS account to receive both ATIS and METAR. You can create an account for free, and then enter your Hoppie logon code into the OIS options page, under 3rd parties. Create Hoppie account: https://www.hoppie.nl/acars/system/register.html
  4. During my flights in the A350 I've found that the D-ATIS is quite hit and miss when it comes to actually finding the ATIS. I think this is an issue due to VATSIM ATC not necessarily setting the ATIS type correctly. For example, if there is a single ATIS for both ARR/DEP at an airport, sometimes it will be found when you select ARR, sometimes in DEP, and other times in NONE. Even if you have two separate ARR/DEP ATIS, you might find the ARR in ARR, and the DEP in NONE, or vice versa. Therefore my suggested solution is to implement a fallback system where if the desired ATIS doesn't return anything, the aircraft automatically looks for the next one, in this order: If DEP is selected: Try to retrieve DEP ATIS, then NONE ATIS, then ARR ATIS If ARR is selected: Retrieve ARR ATIS, then NONE ATIS, then DEP ATIS. If NONE is selected: Try to retrieve NONE ATIS, then ARR ATIS, then DEP ATIS. This way, irregardless of how the VATSIM ATC sets up the ATIS, as long as there is an ATIS available, you will find it with one click of the update button. Currently the pilot has to do this manually. Press update, get METAR, switch mode, press update, get METAR, switch mode, press update, and then you find the ATIS. An automatic fallback system as per my suggestion would make things much easier.
  5. When you go on the POSITION/TIME page and set a time marker after midnight UTC, and the current time is before midnight UTC, the time marker will not appear on the ND, and it will also not display the remaining time on the TIME page. As soon as the current time passes midnight, the time marker will work correctly again.
  6. Prophet

    TAXI Button

    It's supposed to show the external taxi cameras on your PFD if I'm not mistaken, but taxi cameras aren't supported yet in MSFS so the TAXI button does nothing at all.
  7. As per the title, when you disconnect autopilot (by sidestick deflection in my case) and get the "AUTO FLT AP OFF" on the ECAM, you cannot stop the cavalry charge audio. Even if you press the MASTER WARN button, forcibly clear the clear the memo with the ECAM control panel, or even press the guarded EMER CANC button, the cavalry charge audio will keep sounding indefinitely.
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