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  1. My apologies.. Solved.. Frustrated user error with call button.
  2. I've found suggestions on the official MSFS flight simulator forum regarding this issue, but none have worked for me. I can request and receive ATIS and if I tune clearance I can hear the controller interacting with other aircraft. However, I can’t get default ATC to respond to my key or mouse presses when I click on the ‘Request IFR Clearance’ prompt. I’ve tried loading a Simbrief flight plan on the main menu. Manually inputting the dest/arr and letting MSFS create the plan, etc. Inside the aircraft I’ve imported a plan to the tablet, not imported a plan to the table. Created a plan in the FMSG, not creating a plan, and imported the Simbrief plan. I honestly can’t think of anything that I haven’t or could try, so if someone has some suggestions I would appreciate it. Not being able to get an IFR clearance really affects my flying with live traffic. BTW, this problem seems unique to the A320neo V2. Thanks, Ernie
  3. Today, first three tries with the Frontier Wolf livery and no tablet. Spirit livery okay, Frontier Turtle okay, the Wolf again and no issues. It does appear to be livery related and while I would love to keep the Frontier liveries, it's not a hill worth defending. Since I would rather be flying than troubleshooting I'm going to declare this issue resolved and revert to the default livery. Thanks again..
  4. Thanks, I had tried that as well as attempting to turn tablet on. So far, after several flights using the default livery I've had no issues with the tablet. Not saying that's the issue because I want to try some of the other liveries first before declaring it to be so.
  5. Thanks.. I tried both TA and TA/RA knob without success, but apparently there are two more that need to be set. One titled STBY-AUTO-ON and the other OFF-ON. This Airbus is a different beast than the 737. 🙂
  6. Will give a try and get back to you.. Make a few flights and therefore a few days to verify. Thanks..
  7. As mentioned in the title; the display always shows TCAS STBY even though TCAS knob is set to TA/RA. Thanks..
  8. The lower half of the pilot side sunshade is bleeding though the tablet.
  9. When I load the A320neo V2 with enhancement the tablet will sometime be on, but other times I get a blank screen and can't turn it on. A reload and it will usually work. I'm using a Frontier livery downloaded from iniBuilds. Not quite sure what causes it. Thanks.
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