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Everything posted by jocko417

  1. Edited, your grandfather’s a true gentleman. 🙂
  2. Just starting out, getting to know the mapping, etc. Nothing set in stone. Lots of things to add/fix before I'll have a real template, just playing with basic markings size and placement.
  3. The airplane did not originally have an autopilot, this is something added in the game with the modern panel. Maybe switching back to classic panel vaporizes the autopilot too. 🙂
  4. I should add, that as a Canadian I am very excited to have a high fidelity T-33 in MSFS. Cheers, jocko417 https://flightsim.to/profile/jocko417
  5. Thank you for the information IniSteve. Have just spent some time doing circuits and the airplane is certainly a blast to fly. As for texturing, however, I agree with jankees in that unless you know Blender or another 3D painting application, this model will be very challenging to work with as it is now. This is certainly disappointing, as the aircraft served for decades with many countries and could enjoy a huge amount of repaints if the model was easier to work with, and I think more available repaints would attract more buyers as the model itself is lovely.
  6. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/sim-skunk-works-leonardo-siai-marchetti-sf-260-am/554259/37
  7. Are we confusing SimSkunkWorks (SSW) with Sim Works Studios (SWS)?
  8. jocko417

    T-33 Numbers

    This aircraft was flown by many nations for many decades. It should be a texturing feast.
  9. jocko417

    T-33 Numbers

    I’m out of the country with work right now but I’ll take a look at the textures tomorrow. I’ve been waiting for someone to do a hi-rez T-Bag for years, if the texturing looks like it’ll be a nightmare then I’ll be gutted…
  10. jocko417

    T-33 Numbers

    Also required reading in everyone’s Childerhose library: Wild Blue - collection of anecdotes about Chick’s RCAF career, from training through NATO service and flying with the OFU Splash One Tiger - fictional novel about F-86 flying in the last of the Sabre VI days before the 104 took over. Both books are long out of print but can be found in online used book stores.
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