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  1. Probably for this the problem with the pilots too low and seats as well as the exhaust on the left side ect...ect...
  2. I didn't mean in the title Bud but bug, typing error and not possible to correct afterwards. On the other hand, by analyzing more closely with my profile picturesome requests. The tip tanks are not compliant, my real ones are more pointed. The main landing gear doors are not properly positioned. The front shock absorber is not compressed enough. I know it's not easy but you must have modeled on a bad profile... The best thing to do is to recalibrate on a 3D scan !
  3. For the flight model and other cockpit features, based on the T-33A and T33SF flight manuals that can be found free of charge on Avialogs, but also on pilot testimonials in magazines, including that of the F-AYMD pilot (Top Gun Aviation), here are a few tips for improvement. 1/ A retracted landing gear warning horn should sound at 60% engine speed, and the red warning light should light up. Press the button next to the throttle to switch off the horn and light. If, after the horn and red warning light have been switched off, engine speed rises above 60% again, the retracted gear warning circuit will be reset. 2/ If possible, apply vibration effects when approaching stall and transonic. 3/ If possible, switch off the engine after a maximum of 15 s of inverted flight, as there is no more oil lubrication, but before that, the hydraulic pump also deflates, resulting in no hydraulic aileron assistance, loss of engine lubrication and a rise in engine temperature, etc. 4/ If possible, add the possibility of jettisoning the tip tanks to simulate a loss of power on takeoff or even in transit. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  4. Hello all 1/ I saw this bug at the back of the cockpit. 2/ The pilot in the front seat has a more sensitive LOD, because he disappears in the close-up before the pilot in the rear. 3/ The pilots are always too low, but I think the seats are also too low, or is the canopy too curved? Comparison between the real model and the 3D model: For the textures of the French model, I find most of the decals too big in width and height, and sometimes misplaced or different. See my photos of this plane for comparison. If you like, I can send you my PSD file of this model, which I made with Tim Conrad's T-33. This file also contains the French stencils and other markings, which may not be as accurate as yours, but it will give you their location and numbers. Also, the metal finish of this device is extremely shiny and the color is closer to a very very light gray. All surfaces are polished, except for a few areas on the intrados, which can be seen in a photo. Unfortunately, I haven't yet mastered the new painting methods. Thanks to your teams for the work already done !
  5. Hello and thank you for your quick response. The problem is solved thanks to your alternative download advice which I hadn't seen the option in the drop-down menu of my profile! It worked right away with the amount of data for download that was displayed, thanks !
  6. Hello ! I've been trying to download the T-33 update for over 24 hours and nothing happens. When it failed, I uninstalled version 1.0.0 then launched a new install and nothing happened either, everything is blocked. What's more, your download bar, I find, is not clear at all, I'd prefer a percentage rather than a changing color? I'd like to be able to enjoy the T-33 again and test the new version! What's more, every time I try to contact support, the message is blocked, which is why I use the forum. Rotten weekend! Yours sincerely. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  7. That's exactly right, I was about to write the same details! Here's a screenshot of a video of a T-33SF (French conversion of the A and MK III) from GE 314 de Tours (LFOT), in action with the J8 and of course the gyro also works on the roll axis... it's better for training the little chicks, future all-weather pilots with hours of training under a knitted VSV canopy in the rear seat this time, yes because no canopy in the front seat. Then, throughout their careers, French pilots spent every 12 months at the C.E.V.S.V 338 (Centre d'entrainement au vol sans visibilité) in Nancy-Ochey (LFSO), known as the “Cloud Exorciser”, to revalidate their all-weather title - this time on T-33As, therefore non-Frenchized, but equipped with ILS reception antennas on the nose and the accompanying instruments in the cabin, including the J8 Attitude Gyro Indicator! Translated with DeepL.com (free version) ll with it in the cabin including the J8 Attitude Gyro Indicator!
  8. Anecdote of a mission at the TOURS fighter school - Base Aérienne 705 - Groupement école 314 - 1970s - FRANCE The crew heads for their T-33. It's the first mission for a young trainee. Young and tiny. The student takes the front seat, the instructor the rear. While taxiing, the instructor notices that the trainee seems to be low to the ground. He points this out to him and asks him to put his seat back up. He still looks so low. Well, it's true that he's very small. The mission goes off without a hitch, except for the fact that the student can hardly see the pattern characteristic points. Finally, the landing goes off pretty well, with the instructor helping the student who can't see the runway. Back at the parking lot, the instructor has the explanation for his pupil's smallness: he did the whole flight with a dorsal parachute, but without the usual 30 cm thick cushion. No doubt the reason why: IniBuilds pilots didn't take their cushions, as can be seen clearly in this screenshot from the following YouTube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPLMBHmmyOI Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  9. This is one jet I'm really looking forward to! Thanks to Inibuilds for their interest ! For my own use, I had already converted Tim Conrad's T-33 for P3D and then MSFS 2020, but of course without a nice cockpit and 3D model like this new one ! Here are a few shots from a few years ago (2021) now it's no longer compatible and very, very far from current MSFS standards. These are T-33 SFs, i.e. French Air Force models. Rolls Royce NENE engine, streamlined and Frenchized instrument panel. The T-33s at the fighter school were all fitted with the hood for VSV training, as were those at CEVSV 338 in Nancy-Ochey. Perhaps IniBuilds could add it ? In short, I'm hoping for a nice PaintKit and a successful French version. Here are screenshots of its training ground until 1981 at the Tours fighter school (LFOT). It was later replaced by the Alphajet. Can't wait for the release ! Top Gun Voltige's CT-133 F-AYMD based at LFRI (La Roche sur Yon) photographed at LFJR (Angers) in 06-2023. What a face ! It takes its design from the T-33 drawn by Uderzo in the “Tanguy et Laverdure” comics “L'école des Aigles” and “Pour l'honneur des cocardes”. The action took place in Morocco in the High Atlas mountains, while French pilots were trained at the 708 training base in Meknes.
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