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  1. Aircraft: A350-900 (version v1.0.2) Simulator: FS2020 Navdata Method: NAVIGRAPH OFP: OTHHEBBR_PDF_1741512624.pdf WASM Error: WASM: Exception c000001d in gauge MFD in module vfs://inibuilds-aircraft-a350/SimObjects/Airplanes/inibuilds-aircraft-a350-900/panel/inibuilds-A350.wasm Specs: CPU: Intel i9-9900K 5Ghz, GPU: Nvidia RTX 2070 Super 8GB, RAM: 32GB Screenshot of console window: Description on what I pressed / did prior WASM crash: I was on PERF CLB page during most of the climb, I then clicked on INIT page shortcut button and as I was about to press FUEL / LOAD button on the left MFD the curser stopped moving and all instruments and MFD's and indications stopped - which indicated a WASM crash. Just prior to this flight I cleared the WASM folder as suggested to be done before running a new version. It's very disappointing as this would have been my very first full flight in the aircraft. Prior to this I have only really done touch ang go's. I really really hope iniBuilds can get to the end of WASM crashes... If there is anything I can help please contact me. Thank you for looking into this. Kind regards, Balint
  2. Hi, I have done some circuits in EINN with the A350-900. After about three touch and go's the fourth time I did a full stop landing and taxied to stand 39. After setting the parking break to ON, there was no PRK BRK memo shown on the Warning Display. After trying to release and set the parking break again I pressed ACCU REINFLATE button, after which the PRK BRK memo DID show on the Warning Display. Not sure if this is the intended way of it working but I very much doubt it. As the HYD's would normally pressurize the accumulator which should then not be depleted after a flight. Please see my Simbrief flight plan and some screenshots attached. A/C used: A350-900 Livery: SAS, SE-RSC Sim: FS2020 Scenery: MKStudios EINN Navdata used: Navigraph EINNEINN_PDF_1741190017.pdf
  3. @richboy2307 I have flown in the sim ever since so my simbrief flight plan is gone but I found the .fpl file within the \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a350\work\flightplans folder so I attach that so you at least get to see my route and some details of the flight. I use NAVIGRAPH for my navdata. Thank you for looking into this issue. TFFRLFPO_INB_1741122980.fpl
  4. I got this too after giving myself a direct first with abeams, which drew a direct line to the selected waypoint but also a line from my destination (LFPO) to the aircraft. So I gave myself another direct to the same waypoint but this time WITHOUT abeams which then gave me also these weird negative UTC times. See my screenshots below on how I did it and which waypoints. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Notice how after giving a second direct to the same waypoint resulted in negative UTC times shown in ETA / UTC column in the MFD and the same in the upper right corner of the ND.
  5. I seem to come across this inconsistent naming method in a few add-ons… It’s either the same name as what Simbrief calls them or is explained so one doesn’t have to guess which one does the plane need now. Because one developer asks for the alias while the other one asks for the Pilot ID. I think Simbrief itself adds a bit of confusion by not getting rid of the Alias (username) because when Navigraph bought Simbrief they changed the login method from username to email address which then became the user name instead. So both companies could do for less confusion really.
  6. I agree, this should be a functionality not restricted to 2024. It’s impossible to configure every livery with their unique configuration every time one flies a different airline. Unless one makes a document of what should be chosen per livery, but still very inconvenient…
  7. I second this. It’s so much more natural of being able to write in the text field without a press of another button. FBW A380 has it modelled that way too, and it’s very convenient.
  8. Out of the three flights that I have done so far that were familiarisation flights (short hops) I haven’t managed to finish a single one without WASM crashing… Which is very disappointing unfortunately. I was very looking forward to this plane. I am more than happy to invest time to find a reproducible way of crashing WASM on purpose so it can be fixed but still huge disappointment…
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