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  1. Many thanks for replying. I will endeavour to take your advice. I think I understand the throttle quadrant issue better now. It requires some adjustments re calibration and creating a specific profile for the inibuilds A320 helps. As for the fmc/autopilot problems, I've played around with A320 models by other designers and think it is most likely a "new" to Airbus issue Thanks again for your help
  2. I have had several failures getting the A320 off the ground successfully. First off I am struggling to get the throttles to calibrate well on my Bravo quadrant. It is hard to gauge where to put it for the various settings - climb, flex take off, reverse max and reverse idle, etc. I have to guestimate where to set the throttles as there are no click points on the quadrant so it is pure luck if I get it right. Secondly, once I have taken off, I have not been able to get the plane to react to the autopilot/flight plan or restricted speed constraints. The plane just wildly and erratically decides to keep accelerating way beyond speed limits I have put in the flight computer. It also fails to follow the flight plan, even though I can see that these are shown on the PFD. I must be doing something wrong but, at the moment, I have given up on using this version of the A320
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