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Bert Groner

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Everything posted by Bert Groner

  1. Hello everyone here! Waiting for Christmas is a good time to test iniBuilds new OMDB. By the way thanks iniBuilds for making - as well for the accompaning freeware... Frist impression was a CTD - at this moment had been installed: iniBuilds OMDB iniBuilds Skydive Dubai Orbx' Dubai City Pack I've deleted Asobo's OMDB from the OneStore folder but this was reinstalled immediately I fired up MSFS again. Then I've deinstalled the Dubai City Pack and it works. Two questions to you and the dev's - and one inquires for them: 1. Is Dubai City Pack still nessessary with Dubai Skydive? 2. If nessessary can you ensure compatibility then (...after the holidays ;-)? 3. Can you take care of the sunken brigdes at Dubai and lift them out of the water please? Thanks so much - have relaxing holidays and a happy, healthy 2024 - may it be much more peaceful than it's predecessors! Bert
  2. Howdi Nico! Really good news for another perfect scenery. Another thing I've forgotten yesterday: On the charts form all three before named providers both the 02 and 20 have PAPI's only on the left side. If this is correct please remove the right side PAPI's. Thanks for that - have a good time! Bert
  3. Hello everyone here and many thanks to iniScene for making EGHI - great stuff! May I ask two questions please? 1. It's about the (correct) approach lighting types: Jeppesen shows currently a british CALVERT (HIALS) at both sides, LIDO (unnamed) short ones which iniScene is using and the british NATS a graphical type looking similar to a CALVERT: What is correct? Does anyone knows that from personal visits there? 2. I kindly ask the dev's to insert the Locator/NDB-antenna close to the glideslope antenna at runway 20. It is right now missing. Thanks a lot - have a good day! Bert
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