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  1. For A350 and A320 V2 seating position section is missing from the cameras.cfg file. I had to add the "Title="PilotVR"" section myself in order to position the pilot correct in the cockpit. Below section works if added to cameras.cfg [CAMERADEFINITION.40] Title="PilotVR" Guid="{2EF77F56-4CDD-4E3C-8C87-BE2A39E99C66}" UITitle="TT:GAME.PANEL_CAMERA_PILOT_VFR" Description="" Origin="Virtual Cockpit" Track="None" TargetCategory="None" ClipMode="Normal" SnapPbhAdjust="Swivel" PanPbhAdjust="Swivel" XyzAdjust=1 ShowAxis="YES" AllowZoom=1 InitialZoom=0.35 SmoothZoomTime=2 BoundingBoxRadius=0.1 ShowWeather=1 CycleHidden=0 CycleHideRadius=0 ShowPanel=0 MomentumEffect=1 ShowLensFlare=0 PanPbhReturn=0 SnapPbhReturn=0 InstancedBased=0 NoSortTitle=0 Transition=0 PitchPanRate=20 HeadingPanRate=60 PanAcceleratorTime=5 XYZRate=0.25 XYZAcceleratorTime=0 ZoomPanScalar=1 Category="Cockpit" SubCategory="Pilot" SubCategoryItem="PilotVR" :InitialXyz = -0.030188,0.544792,12.271154 InitialXyz = -0.030188,0.48,12.5 InitialPbh = -7.5, 0, 0 Mats
  2. Have this as well (V 1.0.2), I use to disable and enable GSX integration, 2 quick clicks.
  3. I end up in these situations as well. Everywhere there are references to clearing the WASM folder. Though googling a lot I still don't know where to find it, anyone? Mats
  4. It's obvious that the GSX integration is a mess and doesn't seemed to be tested that much before the 72 Euro launch Here are the procedures I use that repeteadly takes me to a point where GSX do its job and the ZFW, ZFWCG and BLOCK values are set according to Simbrief Please let me know if things are working or not working or if there is another procedure that works better. - Ensure that in the GSX "customize aircraft" settings has "Show MSFS Fuel and Cargo...." checked - Start flight and restart GSX (restarting coautl is not enough) from outside like from the taskbar - Aircraft: Turn on PWR Bat + ext pwr - EFB "FLT OPS STS" click "Simbrief Import" - EFB "GROUND" Enable GSX - GSX Menu Request refueling and boarding - EFB "LOADSHEET" click Simbrief Import - SET ZFW & FUEL (Could be done before the GSX Request as well, as stated by ekosif above) - GSX Message: Refuel complete - GSX Message: Boarding started - GSX ask for an amount of fuel. Sometimes the simbrief choice is there, problem solved and sometimes not. Often it doesn't matter what amount of fuel to the aircraft that is chosen, it anyway will be what is set in the EFB LOADSHEET. Choose any but check out when doing the Fuel & Payload the amount and correct if neccessary - GSX Message: fueling starting (yeah and a moment ago it was complete?) - GSX now thinks refueling is complete with the Simbrief value - GSX opens cargo doors - Boarding starts and is increasing in the EFB loadsheet view... after a long while - GSX closing cargo doors - GSX Message: Boarding complete But TOW and CWCG is still empty in the FCU - FMS FUEL & Loading update the ZFW, ZFWCG and BLOCK (check that it's according to the SimBrief value and if not, correct it: EFB "LOADSHEET" )by just click and hit enter, now the values will be reflected in the FCU - DONE Some reflections ---------------------- - The GSX menu sometimes needs to be clicked on twice before current status is updated - GSX integration is that good? Well it's very easy to miss a message and then the loading process halts. You must have that GSX dropdown menu clicked/viewed all the time which consumes attention from working with checklist, navigation planning etc. IMO: If some systems wants to tell me something, put it in front of my face - Sometimes there are beeps, can't find any announcements, that just makes me nervous. What did I miss? - What about the iniBuild Manual and the above concerns? Zero info! Mats
  5. Restarting the flight with saved FLT in the taxi situation puts me in the same locked situation Restarting the sim and then loading the saved FLT in the taxi situation resets the problem and I can control the throttle, joystick and camera again. Mats
  6. Still suffer from the same problem running MSFS2020. Almost every time i land and start taxi, control is lost. I desperataly try to click somewhere in the EFB or anywhere. It doesn't seem that I'm stuck in a textbox as I can click myself atound. I restarted the GSX app (from outside) and then I couldn't even move my mouse or anything. Absolutely zero contact with the sim. I have to stop the MSFS. The problem remains for A350 and for no other aircraft Support please! Is there a log or something I can check? Mats
  7. Hi I think I've run into the same problem. Plane just went on and out of my controls. I also lost control over the camera so couldnt change view. How did you solve it?
  8. "On top of that, sim rate is locked at 2x basically for the entire eastern hemisphere." What!!! The compression issues must be solved very quickly. One cannot have a long range aircraft for more than 72 Euro with this performance.
  9. I also posted this issue in the support system section for A350.
  10. mseder

    Run away plane

    Almost every flight at some stage (mostly taxing) I loose control over the plane. The A350 continues flying/taxing e.g. cross the airport and no input has any effect.MSFS 2020Mats
  11. Almost every flight at some stage (mostly taxing) I loose control. The A350 continues e.g. cross the airport and no input has any effect. MSFS 2020 Mats
  12. As far as I understand with the A350 also the MSFS toolbar is changed as iniBuilds did disable the Flight Assistance choice Is there a way to enable it? I repeatedly use it and now it's blocked, why? Mats
  13. I copied the whole "inibuilds-aircraft-a350" folder (physical) to the community folder from the AddonsLinker folder and tried again. That seemed to work I then moved it back to the AddonLinker folder. Usually AddonsLinker works fine having a shortcut for whatever updates. Whats wrong here?
  14. The inibuild manager replies: See image Problem with AddonsLinker or? Communityfolder contains an active link to the A350 installation folder
  15. Maximum 4X is just to weak for a long hauler. That means having the sim running about 2-3 hrs before it reaches the destination.PMDG offers 8 and also FBW A380 runs with 8 (if you configure it to avoid a maxium)Why bother with time compression in the EFB at all?Just make the aircraft carry out the highest compression possible and let the user increase or decrease the compression rate using the MSFS built in keyboard shortcuts for "simrate increase" and "simrate decrease" the Misc section. The EFB involvement is an uneccessary and complicating functionality that actually blocks the built in.Mats
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