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  1. Dear Inibuilds Team. Yesterday I got a very strange issue: I startet a flight with the A310 from cold and dark like I did a hundret times. After having two good engine starts I got a ECAM massage Green Hyrdaulic Sys LO PR. The overhead panel showed LO PR at the Green hydraulic SERVO CTL as well as a Spoiler 5 fault. Associated ECAM massages included the HYD GREEN SYS INOP, GREEN SERVO INOP, NOSE WHEELS TERING INOP. Turning on the Elec Pumps "solved" the issue. Turning them of in the air also triggered fault massages at SYS 2 of Slats and Flaps, and Pitch Feel Sys 1. I was a little confused since I didn´t know the A310 had a built in failure system? And if it doesn´t, what went wrong there. I am glad about any suggestions whatsoever. Thanks, Walter
  2. WallyWalt

    Lights !!!

    Can you please put as much pressure as possible from your side as a developer on Microsoft / Asobo. It get´s redicolous by now. I mean, honestly. It´s been months since this issue has been reported. You guys have already fixed it. Just Microsoft wont push it out as an update. How hard can it be? I really love the A20N, but it is practically unusable without cockpit lights in most scenarios with marginal daylight (i.e. in dusk or dawn, at night, with strong clouds or heavy precipitation ... And just to be clear: This frustration is only directed at MS / Asobo, not to you guys. But I post here, because MS / Asobo completley ignore us in any forum or Zendesk request.
  3. Hi, I encountered a strange issue recentley. I missed my TOD and came in too high. So I flew a holding to get rid of the altitude. After exiting the holding the managed descent didn´t seem to work properly. I had to fligh in verticle speed and tried over and over until at some point the managed descent worked normally again. Any ideas why this is?
  4. Hi, just a short quesiton. Will the aircraft you developed as standard aircraft for the MSFS24 be available in MSFS20 at some point? Thanks for a quick reply. Walter
  5. Hi, I experienced something today that I didn't recognise before, or it didn't happen. On approach to CYYZ I disconnected the autothrottle about 100 feet above ground. The engines didn't hold the power setting, but immediately spooled back to idle. I haven't flown the A310 for a while, but I'm pretty sure the engines stayed at the N1 value they had before I disconnected the autothrottle on my last flight. Could replicate the issue with several (shorter) flihgts afterwards, repro 100%. Is this true to life or a bug? Can you have a look at this? Thanks, Walter.
  6. Hi, I noticed that - starting from cold and dark - there are no longer amber X on the Ecam screen bit instead green numnbers from the moment you power up the aircraft. Can you have a look at this? Thanks, Walter
  7. Hi, is there timeline for a fix yet? It´s really sad, I loved the 320v2 since it´s release and now it´s basically unusable in evening or night conditions.
  8. Hi all, I encountered something, which I believe to be a bug. When starting up the aircraft from cold and dark and the upper ecam display comes to live after its self test, it initially shows the engine indications with numbers not with the double red xx. After a while it switches to the xx where it stays until selecting ignition in the engine mode selector. In a tutorial by A330Driver it seems that the ecam should indicate the red xx right from the beginning (at 3:50 and following): In the screenshot attached you can see the critical moment of my startup . As you can see in the screenshot, the aircraft is right in the startup process from cold and dark, since the standby attitude indicator is still calibrating. The ENG mode selector is in Norm and the ecam shows the green numbers instead of the red xx. I am on Xbox btw.
  9. Hi @richboy2307, I could narrow it down: The issue occurs when decending in Profile mode and then manually selecting a speed. The MCP than switches to level change but apparently doesn´t arm the before selected altitude. It doesn´t happen when selecting a altitude and descending down to it with either lvl chg or profile from the beginning. If I am not mistaken, before SU15 it was possible to manually select a speed and still decent in profile mode? But either way the plane shouldn´t descent below the selected altitude. As the screenshot shows, I have slected 7000 feet but the plane kept descending below 7000 ft (at 6700 ft with 1800 ft/m descent rate). The flight mode annunciator shows SPD and NAV but not the ALT in blue, which it does when descending with level change from the beginning. Hope this helps figuring out the issue.
  10. Hi, I am happy to share a screenshot once I find the time to do another flight. Hopefully this weekend. When I am remembering correctly, it was two times an RNAV/RNP Approach and the third time an ILS, but I wouldn´t bet my life on it. I´ll come back on this soon 🙂
  11. Since SU15 I have a strange issue. On climb the aircraft levels off at the altitude selected in the MCP. In descent it doesn´t level off at the right altitude but continues to descent towards ground. It happend in three of three flights I made with the A310 since SU15, but I can´t tell if it´s a generell problem with the autopilot (i.e. also happening with V/S and level change) or just a issue with profile.
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