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Everything posted by CaptAviation

  1. or can u send me a vid on how to use directly pls cuz this aircraft pissing me off now
  2. after i took off, the ap wasn't following the flight plan and when i tried to get the hdg mode to get out of the AP pannel, it didnt work and thats y the direct isnt working either and the atc told me to correct my squwak code even tho it was correct and the atc isnt talking to me and i cant talk to atc
  3. alright ill try that thanks:)
  4. i load my data from simbrief so can I still do that?
  5. I can make a video but the thing is that i cant send the video to my phone from my xbox..
  6. Thank u so much bro! I have another issue tho, the auto pilot doesn't follow the flight plan for some reason.. u know how to fix that?
  7. Alright i will watch video later but thanks tho 🙂
  8. is it possible for u to make a video and send it to me please?
  9. same issue with me
  10. I watched the video and it worked and the flaps are also working now but I cant hear the ATC tho and I cant request IFR clearence from ATC.
  11. Isn't there another way to get the interior addon? What do you mean by a compatibility problem? Here is a video of how to put in the flight plan and I didn't follow this video tho Start the video at 19:00
  12. I will try that thanks, but do you know how to fix the other problems?
  13. I will try that thanks. Buy do you know the solution for the other issues?
  14. Issues for me using this aircraft on a Xbox One S are: 1. When I try to open the cockpit door, it doesn't open 2. When I try to talk to ATC it doesn't let me and when I click on a ATC frequency it doesn't let me click it won't even let me click on the ground services bar in the ATC menu 3. When I extend flaps or retract flaps there is no animation of the flaps moving 4. Sometimes when I try to put in the flight plan manually, it only lets me put the first waypoint and then it won't let me put anything else in there (I might be putting the flight plan wrong tho) And my Xbox is connected to a tv I hope all of the stuff I listed above gets fixed especially for us Xbox users.
  15. same issue for me
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