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Everything posted by TJC

  1. TJC

    Air Start Unit?

    The air start unit was reported to be coming with the PW variant here I can't find how to access it - does anybody have an idea?
  2. Hello, I've identified a repeatable WASM Crash on the A300-600F GE anytime I fly out of VHHX. I get the following symptoms: blank L MCDU screen, R MCDU screen frozen and from what it appears the entire A/c is frozen (verified by turning off all power sources yet all things staying on/frozen). It's recreatable by setting VHHX as departure (regardless of destination) and either trying to download a simbrief wind update from ACARS or by pressing forecast in the progress page. I am using default MSFS Navdata. Thanks, Tyler
  3. TJC

    GA Parking spots

    Hello 🙂 Any chance we could get some GA parking spots added? I know this was discussed in 2023 and agreed for the next update just a quick prompt as its a pain spawning at the gates in a plane. Thanks, TJC
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