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Timm Turner

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Everything posted by Timm Turner

  2. Hi, Hope someone can shed some light here in whats causing this. OK I have setup a flight plan through Simbrief and exported it into the aircraft. I can see the flight plan on the ND. Take off climb and the Aircraft settles down at the desired Altitude and speed and on line with the plan. Decreased my throttles back. Then all of sudden Aircraft gores into a steep climb turns off AP. And all hell is let loose. Question : Whats causes this?
  3. One thing I can't seem to sort is the initialize weight / cg .
  4. Thanks for responce. Thats the problem. I have a simbrief account. along with a Simbrief ID. I can get the flight plan on the EFB and everything shows up. I then go into the MCDU and do what you mention go to the INIT section/ Page and select INIT Request - nothing.
  5. Hi Guys, Can anyone help me here and explain why when doing a flight plan on the either the fs map or via Simbrief the Flight does not show up on the ND? Even if I use the zoom out selection I dont see any plan. I can set up a small route lets say EGCC (Manchester) to EGNM (Leeds Bradford) so not long flights so I should be able to see something, but nothing.
  6. Hi, Once I got my throttles sorted out, I'm realy enjoying flying the 320, however I have noticed one small thing and that is when coming into land I use my speed Brakes to help in bringing down my speed and noticed that these are not being animated outside, even thou the Speed Brake lever is indicating open the panel. Am I missing something here?. So any help will be greatly appreciated.
  7. Having the same problem on my TCA Captain throttle. and also the controller on Xbox. Can anyone knock up a YT video in how we can do this.
  8. Hi, Same here. I also got the TCA Captain Pack X and it's a nightmare trying to get it to work. It jumps from Reverse Thrust straight upto TOGA nothing in between. I have pressed the reset calibration which does not change anything. I then went onto my XB controller and again nothing.
  9. So in theory what your showing is very misleading for those like me on XBOX. At the end of the day like me got drawn into a false trailer
  10. Whilst on this gate issue you mention The ground services advertised were specifically shown to be for "Official GSX Profile Included" feature as well. would this only be available for PC and not XBOX?
  11. OK, Thanks for that. Here is some more images in what I have found. 1. I have LVFR Static Aircraft installed and when I park up lets say gate 48 yes I get all the service items but sitting on top of another Aircraft. If I move to gate 47 nothing and nothing at gate 48. When I take out static Aircraft and move back to gate 48 I again I get the service vehicles but no Static aircraft in the whole airport. which takes out the purpose of this Airport. But then if I move back to gate 47 (Static Aircraft not installed) and you can see nothing at this gate, nothing even showing up at ground service menu. Just hope that this gets sorted before your A320 is released as I know a lot of easyjets pilots are what patiently for it but with this Airport in the state it's in is not going to help your sales
  12. Just purchased this addon through the Market Place for the XBOX and can't believe that you have released this for the XBOX with the ground vehicle issues still not sorted. When this was first mentioned here back in March. How can you advertise/sell something that's not finished or complete. Like buying a car and the seller says OH we will add the wing mirrors later not sure when but we will work on it.
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