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Alan Fernandes

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  1. ?
  2. I just want to understand why the FMC isn’t updating the winds for all waypoints in the flight plan, even after pressing "REQUEST WINDS." Is there an issue? I’ve been waiting for days without a response!
  3. No WINDS from Simbrief...
  4. After the latest update, I can’t find the feature that inserts SimBrief route winds into the FMC. Where is it? Att. Alan
  5. Hi. Can we expect the implementation of the OFFSET feature in the FMC of the A300-600 in a future update? Tks. Alan / From Brazil
  6. Hi all. When will the latest update for the A300-600 be available on the Marketplace? (Actually 1.1.2) Alan / Brazil
  7. Yes, I also noticed this problem: It doesn’t import the wind data. I didn’t see any updates to this data in the FMC. I hope this gets resolved because it’s an EXCELLENT feature. Tks!
  8. Hi guys! REQUEST WINDS. What would be the function? Because I didn't see any wind updates for each fix in the FMC. Is this functional?
  9. Availble NOW!
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