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Everything posted by Michele

  1. hi inibibuilds, I want to inform you that on the xbox version of msfs 2024 when I recall the flight plan on the MCDU of the M400 aircraft the game crashes
  2. hi andrei have you solved this problem? I'm also an xbox user, I created a hoppie account but unfortunately the system not work
  3. Hi inibuilds, just a quick question sorry In this update I see that CPDLC is also available for the Xbox version. Works? Because I sent the registration request but it remains in progress and nothing happens
  4. Have you encountered any problems with the textures and shadows of this livery?
  5. hi inibuilds, I tested the plane with the new 1.1.0 update and unfortunately I encountered the following problems: I can't load the flight plan from simbrief into the mcdu, the TOGA button doesn't work and the dhl livery has problems with the textures and shadows
  6. Will the 1.1.0 update also be available for the Xbox version?
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