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  1. Hey, this is my profile and it seems like i have been banned, could some mod please specify what I did wrong? cus i got banned while i was sleeping and i dont remember if i did something wrong, im regularry active and never insault or harm people and always try te help.
  2. Big brain
  3. Can you add a screenshot where i can find them in the flightplan and how/where to input it in the a300 😀
  4. no, and we cant request so u cant get the descent winds. Or if there is some way let me know i dont know it too
  5. Do you know when / eta the fix will be on xbox?
  6. Hello, since the new update I experience it way less often.
  7. Daan376


    it worked
  8. Daan376


    thanks i will try
  9. Daan376


    You keep getting "Simbrief username not set" error when trying to load your OFP; while the username is set, if you do the pilot ID, you keeo getting same error
  10. Where is the clickspot help
  11. The nose is flat on the dark picture
  12. Hello, Xbox many crashes while loading and instruments going black mid flight, this is really frustating, almost every 2 flights there is an issue where i have to restart because the instruments turn black on the plane won't load in. please have a fix for xbox
  13. This one is very clear what I mean
  14. You can clearly see the difference between the tail an the body
  15. 2 foto’s the other 2 I will add soon
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