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  1. mazza90

    NAV issue cause

    Also having issues with NAV, seems to be limited to Xbox users. Does anyone know which build we currently have on the xbox? Reading through some of the fixes in the different build releases there were some fixes to LNAV, could it be we just haven't had the build update yet that fixes this issue? Matt
  2. Sorry I didn't explain it very well. The random flying in circles has happened in both NAV mode with a route loaded in the MCDU and when in the HDG SEL mode, following the selected heading and will just turn and fly in a circle. Once it starts to do this it can only be hand flown as it will resume circles regardless of what latereral mode is selected with autopilot on.
  3. Hi first time posting. I'm having an issue where the aircraft starts to fly in circles randomly, have had this happen in both HDG SEL and NAV modes. Turning autopilot off stops this but it will resume doing loops when turned back on. Also changing between HDG SEL/NAV doesn't stop it either. Wondering if anyone else has had this issue? Many thanks Matt
  4. I too have this hatch always open. Xbox series X also. Matt
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