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MitchellAA300 last won the day on May 13 2024

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  1. Yeah here aswell the same issue cant use Navigraph.
  2. 🛫
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  3. Hi Eddie all the switches are active 🙂.
  4. Hi all. i have made a quick video about this issue and i have this every flight. Sometimes i could take me a couple of min until finally i can put on the autopilot.
  5. Yes sir it used to be this button. but after the release of i thought it was update 1.08 with the PW model they changed it to. The small button from my photo above.
  6. Last couple of days with my still favorite airliner to fly the A300🙂. Most of my time flying the old American A300 routes to Latin and the carribean but because i am from europe i like to fly in the daytime so in the morning i do some european flights because it would be still dark in the states 😅.
  7. your pressing this button right ?..
  8. Its much and much better the feeling it also have is not the same on XBOX🙂.
  9. Hi all. on some of my flight i have a issue with the autopilot. After takeoff and i want to put on the autopilot it wont come on and i got the autopilot disconnect warning and sometimes is takes me a couple of minutes just to put on the autopilot. Today i departed KMIA and when i was taxiing to 08R i had no issues put when i was rolling down on 08R my aircraft was pulling hard to the left and that also stayed when i lift of the runway. I almost crashed because of this and after moving my rudder to the left and right the issue was gone and could continue my flight to JFK. This is the same for XBOX and PC
  10. Last week i made the switch from XBOX to PC :). downloaded many AAL liveries since then, flying the morningflight 09:00 AAL1013 out of KBOS towards TNCA. KBOS/04R N0462F340 SSOXS7 SSOXS Q167 SPDEY/N0456F350 Y490 OHRYN/N0460F340 Y490 BEHHR/M078F340 Y490 ROLLE DCT ATUGI/M078F350 L454 LUCTI/N0460F350 L454 MNDEZ/N0459F360 DCT POKEG/N0461F350 UT17 KOBET/N0459F360 UT17 CDO UT19 BEROX BERO2A TNCA/11
  11. Yes i know but since the new update the stairs are not available. Is there a new update coming for the A300 in the future ?. Also for the blurry DHL A300 livery.
  12. Yes sir i use the latest update 1.11. maybe not the topic but also since update 1.11 the air stairs are also gone.
  13. Hello Inibuilds. I have a strange issue with the cabin lights on the exterior view. When i switch from the cockpit camera to the exterior camera the cabin lights are one for 1 seconds and then they go out. I am on XBOX i dont know if pc players also have this issue?.
  14. Thank you Inibuilds. since the last update 1.10 also the pax version is lovely to fly. Been doing my KMIA/KJFK flying to Latin/Carribean routes what the A300 did for American. Going to fly my first long haul with it very soon be thinking about EGGL - KBOS 🙂.
  15. Goodevening. For me a update aswell i did a flight this afternoon from KMIA to MKJS after i put on the flightplan and all the stuff i was lining up for runway 26l and the sound you hear when the generators go from APU power to Engine power that sound i also heard and everything was gone. My flightplan was blank and i had 12 ton of fuel onboard after that reset in only had 4 tons left so i could not reach the destination with that amount of fuel.
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