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  1. romoni

    ENG MODE Buttons

    Thank You, Eddie - understand and this helps👍
  2. Hello! I watched a video "Wellcome to the A300-600R Pratt&Whitney Update Microsoft Flight Simulator" A one things in this video is that I don't really understand is that should I need push N1 ENG1 / ENG2 ON before I start the engines or not? Video time stamp -> 19:24 Than You
  3. Hello iniBuilds! You are updated the aircraft but obviusly You forgot to update the manual? There is some new fuction that You don't mention at all into Manual. I mean for example TCAS, COMM Radios and this new ACARS. I saw a video that how these works but I would like to learn those things to reading printed text - not from videos to watching and stopping it every minutes and writing things up onto paper. Thank You
  4. Good morning! Database I use is Navigraph and not any problems with that. Database should not be the problems as I try to use AP / NAV. PROFILE (VNAV) worked fine my yestarday flight. As I find time I will check if the problem continue...
  5. And BTW - I use Steam PC-version of the MSFS 2020 Sim.
  6. Today a first flight after latest update from EGLL (iniBuilds) to ESSA. Take-Off from EGLL RWY 27L - STAR BPK7G -> Take-Off -> Rotate -> Gear Up -> Autopilot -> TRP -> NAV -> PROFILE. Aircraft starts turn to left and then circle around some times and then it continues to south. I used DIR TO -> D278F and plane turn towards to this waypoint. As D278F was reached the plane continueing stedy and not turned towards D304H. HDG mode works but NAV mode not. Earlier version I have not any problems with this aircraft and I'm did not changed any settings in MSFS 2020 settings. Something is wrong this latest update IMO. Any idea?
  7. Sarcasm? Anyway - Aircraft works so everything shoild be ok. You must be something wrong with Yours rig, or Yoke/Pedals or installation. If something works it not should be fix - old jungle adage...
  8. I have about 30 flights since day 1 as this plane came out and mostly freighter version. Only one time I lost AP during final approach and that's all. All others flights are gone like charm. Aircraft follow a flight plan as it must be and stay on the flight level without problem. Everythings works. A few minutes ago I made a flight between EDDK - LEMD version 1.17 - nice flight. I use WIN 11 and sim is Steam version. Nice aircraft👍
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