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Everything posted by SkySurfer87

  1. Fwiw i haven’t been using any panel states. Load up on runway with engines running, taxi to stand and shut down engines + prep flight as normal. Have not seen this issue since going that route.
  2. Thanks for your contribution 🙄
  3. Try to not use the C&D panel state. I’ve been loading up on runway and taxiing to stand then normal shut down. Have done quite a few flights with no issue.
  4. My guess is this was a C&D panel state corruption issue. The 1.05 update mentioned panel state fixes. Haven’t had the problem since. Tom
  5. Here's how mines currently set up. I engage reverse by pulling the reverser switches back and the throttles all the way down through the idle detent. Then just close the reverser switches to cancel REV thrust and bring the throttles back up to idle detent. Worked fine up until 1.05 update, now when I try to cancel REV using this method the number two reverser only closes halfway for some reason. When I bring the throttles back to idle, the reversers stay engaged and any forward movement on the throttles is in turn actuating the reverser levers as an axis. I have to jangle everything around for it to go back to normal operation. So something seems to be wrong I suppose. I've tried to recalibrate in the EFB along with reinstalling the plane entirely with no luck. Overall im absolutely loving this model.. Thanks. Tom
  6. I can confirm same issue here. Throttles are broken in latest update. My reversers are messed up as well. Using honeycomb bravo. Number two reverse lever only closes halfway when selecting reversers off. Tom
  7. Hi, Every time I shut down engines while in VR, the viewpoint shifts slightly backwards and up for some reason. Anyone know what’s causing this? Tom
  8. Maybe it has something to do with panel state corruption? I noticed that if I load up on the runway with all systems running and ready for takeoff, taxi to stand and shut down, I don’t have any problems. I did about 7 legs on Sunday without shutting the sim down. If I load up at the stand with C&D panel It seems to create the problem. Tom
  9. I've also started experiencing this. No issues prior to 1.03 update. Last weekend I started a PHX-LAX flight and it dropped out of the air shortly after T/C. reloaded and did that flight plus about 6 more legs without issue. Couple nights ago I tried OAK-PDX and it happened again during cruise. Again hadn't had this happen once prior to the latest update. Tom Moretti
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