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Pedro Vicente Azua

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  1. Thanks Microsoft and Inibuilds for giving us nice looking aircraft that we are not able to use. Since it was released I have not been able to use the 320 neo V2 a single time because of the huge problems with the throttle calibration, useless. Thanks Fenix for providing aircraft that are simple and easy to use.
  2. Hi, I think the nose of the aircraft looks strange. Besides the already known nose being too high and the nose gear problem I think there is something else in the nose that looks fanny. I have compared the a300-600 nose with the inibuilds a310 nose and I think you should take a look at the form of the 1L and 1R doors in the a300 as the vertical curvature of the doors is not aligned with the fuselage vertical structure along the vertical stringer lines on the fuselage. A copy of the a310 nose structure would be perfect. Thanks
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