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Everything posted by MelonatorPL

    Yea but its a realistic livery... It existed just like the American A300s which are not fictional
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  1. Hi just wondering if the overhead radios will be implemented at a future date. Im specifically talking about the VHF COMM and the HF radios, thanks.
  2. The right (co-pilot) sunshade does not work. There is a clickspot but it doesnt do anything.
  3. Just found that the iniBuilds FEDEX liveries are missing the flag and registration on the left (port) side of the aircraft.
  4. I found an issue where the FWD CARGO knob pictured is not moveable. I do not see a clickspot and it doesnt function. (Using the PAX version)
  5. Glad it helped, I dont have the saitek panels so im not sure about that.
  6. For steering make sure you have "Rudder Controls Tiller" set to ON in the Setting app on the EFB. As for IRS there are 3 IRS switches you have to set to the NAV postion on the aft overhead. After that you need to enter the Deaprture and Arrival airport on the INIT page and then hit Align IRS. LMK if that helps
  7. That unfortunately I'm not sure about. All i can do is give FPS comparisons I get with other aircraft. Sorry 😞. Best thing I can recommend is load up the free Zibo mod for the 737 and see if you're happy with the fps as its similar to the A300 for me. On the website they recommend a card that has at least 3GB of VRAM so Im guessing the 1050ti might be fine since it usually has 4gb.
  8. Cant tell you what fps you would get since I dont have the same specs but in general I get better fps than Felis 747 , Q4XP (much better), FF A320. One par with JF BAE 146, Rotate MD80, and worse than Toliss A319-321-340, and X-crafts E145 family. I would say that the FPS is quite good for the level of complexity that it has (which is very complex). Hope this helps.
  9. Hello, I have been looking at this product for some time and watched videos on it and I have to say that it looks amazing and well done to the developers. I would like to know whether there is a planned x-plane. org release as i would like to buy it on that platform since i have many products on there?
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